Loudoun, Northern Piedmont, and Charlottesville Chapters
Piedmont Environmental Council has been a Buy Fresh Buy Local (BFBL) chapter coordinator since 2007. Over that time, our three BFBL chapters have grown to include over 600 farms, farmers’ markets, retailers, restaurants, wineries, and specialty food producers all committed to our local food system.
In January 2013, PEC BFBL partners met for the first ever Buy Fresh Buy Local Work Session. Partners created nine action groups; and each generated an action plan to guide the work together on a particular topic over the next twelve months. PEC is facilitating these action groups as they evolve and progress on their own terms.
At this time, eight of the nine working groups are open to other BFBL partners–below you can find the topics list and contact information for group members. Any BFBL partner is encouraged to get in touch with a group if they are interested in a topic.
(1) Purchasing Bulk Non-GMO Finished Feed**March 2013 Update: This group has successfully begun bulk purchasing and delivery of feed through the Culpeper CFC Farm & Home Store

Group members: Kit Johnson, La Bella Terra, jhnstnkt[at]aol.com, 540-547-2317 Lisa Corbin, Center Street Farms, lisacorbin[at]msn.com, 540-987-8255 Mike Sczuka, Center Street Farms, mikesczuka[at]gmail.com, 540-987-8255 Barry Jacobs, Too Many Paws Farm, farm[at]tmpf.net, 540-829-6367 Stephen Day, Oak Shade Farm, stephen.edward.day[at]gmail.com 540-229-5199 Margaret Hutcheson, Sunrise Gardens/Madison Eats Food Club, mfhutch3[at]vabb.com, 540-543-2220 Kevin Summers, Crowfoot Farm, thecrowfootfarm[at]gmail.com, 540-937-4490 Katherine Adams, Stallard Road Farm, stallardroad[at]gmail.com, 540-522-3417 Meg Campbell, Croftburn Market, croftburn.farm[at]gmail.com, 540-825-9044 Ed Dunphy, CFC Farm & Home Store, edunphy[at]cfcfarmhome.com, 540-825-2200
(2) Mobile Processing Unit for Exempt LivestockThis group is researching regulations related to a moblie or fixed poultry processing unit and coordinating operations among small scale poultry producers.
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: Patty Johnson, Pannill’s Gate Farm: patty[at]pannillsgate.com, 540-229-5185 Harold Woodward, Hawk Hollow Greenhouse & Farm, hrwsaw[at]yahoo.com, 540-948-4886 Meredith Kope, Singing Frog Farm/The Goodstone Inn, mkope[at]goodstone.com, 571-212-5625 Jeff Adams, Walnut Hill Farm, jvadams[at]verizon.net, 540-809-4271 Jennifer Sisney, Landon Farm, runningcedar[at]hotmail.com, 540-923-4310

(3) Social Media Marketing: Using Facebook to Gain/Retain Customers**February 2013 Update: This group has met a second time with PEC to discuss how to use Facebook to market their business. Any information about social media seminars or events are being forwarded to the group.
Topic Originals
Group members: Steven Schwartz, Local Flavor, steven[at]localflavor.tv, 540-923-4796 Jim Fleming/Kate Mahanes, Whistlin Hollow Farm, katemahanes[at]hotmail.com. 540-456-8212 Meg Campbell, Croftburn Market, croftburn.farm[at]gmail.com, 540-825-9044 Ben Stowe, Meadow Green Farm, stowe.benjamin[at]gmail.com, 540-987-3187 Pam & Jimmy Jarrell, P&J Greenhouse and Garden, pjjarrell2[at]juno.com, 540-948-5309 Reid Cook, Rocky Knoll Homestead, info[at]rockyknollhomestead.com, 540-937-4205
(4) Developing Relationships between Producers and Retail MarketsThis group is putting together a networking event for buyers and sellers of local products. They have organized a tasting to market value-added at new outlets, including a local winery.
Group not open to new members at this time!
(5) Developing a Co-op of Local Farmers to Deliver Products to ConsumersThis group is considering developing a multi-farm CSA in the Northern Piedmont region.
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: Malou Ditchel, Farmcolony, malstark[at]aol.com, 434-985-6530 Bill Dichtel, Farmcolony, wdich[at]aol.com, 434-985-6530 Shawn Bear, Farmcolony, hedensksed[at]gmail.com, 540-894-0653 Wendy Oien, Oakhenge Farm, wloien[at]aol.com, 540-522-8283
(6) Educating Consumers about Local Food: Seminar Series

**March 2013 Update: Plans for a seminar series to take place at Rebecca’s Natural Food in Charlottesville are in the works to begin Spring 2013. The group is currently putting together a speaker list and seminar dates.
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: KeriAn Dodson, Rebecca’s Natural Food, rebnat[at]mindspring.net, 434-977-1965 Bill Calvani, Rebecca’s Natural Food, groc.rnf[at]gmail.com, 434-977-1965 John Whiteside, Wolf Creek Farm, john.whiteside[at]wolfcreek-farm.com, 540-948-5574 Susan Vidal, Brightwood Vineyard and Farm, svidal[at]huges.net, 540-717-2165
(7) Increasing Web Outreach of Farmers Markets**March 2013 Update: This group is connecting with farmers’ market managers in order to better promote and increase consumer traffic at their market.
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: Diana Boeke, Glean Acres, LLC, farmerdi[at]gleanacres.com, 571-251-7828 Erick Kalenga, Bountiful Acres, Erick[at]hisvillage.org, 540-729-7330 Theresa Klopp, Carmel Acres Farm, greggandjane[at]carmelacres.com
(8) Developing a ‘Local Logo’ to Identify Local Products at Farmers’ Markets**February 2013 Update: The group has contacted farmers’ markets to get information on their local product ‘regulations’ and gauge interest of using a ‘local logo’ for Madison County.
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: Shirley Ammon, Haywood Honey, info[at]haywoodhoney.com, 540-923-5075 Tilton & Gwen Pugh, Burning Bush Jam, gwenpugh[at]dish.net, 540-832-1765 Steve Sanford, Hollerfolk Nursery, hollerfolk[at]gmail.com, 540-923-4400 Khalil Hassan, Gardens of Khmet, bluedome1[at]gmail.com, 540-923-5121
(9) Creating Entertainment and Activities List for Farmers’ Markets**March 2013 Update: This group is looking for bands, chefs, entertainers, organizations, etc interested in performing or giving demonstrations at farmers’ markets to increase attendance
Topic Notes, Topic Originals
Group members: Reid & Kerrie Cook, Rocky Knoll Homestead, info[at]rockyknollhomestead.com, 540-937-4205
Tom Hennaman, Culpeper Downtown Farmers Market, crievents[at]culpeperdowntown.com