Dear Supporter,
Although this past year has kept us physically apart, conservation and our collaborative partnerships have continued to work throughout, producing some amazing results. This is why I’m so excited to invite you to our second virtual Quarterly Keynote on June 24 that The Piedmont Environmental Council is co-hosting with our friends at the Shenandoah National Park Trust and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s Virginia Working Landscapes!
Learn more about conservation practices, scientific research happening in the Piedmont, and how there are many elements of conservation that work together to create better places for us all (people, plants, and animals) to enjoy.
Thursday, June 24
Conservation and Collaboration Quarterly Keynote
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Facebook event page

Together with the Shenandoah National Park Trust (SNPT) and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s Virginia Working Landscapes (VWL), the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) presents the 2nd virtual Quarterly Keynote on Thursday, June 24 at 6:30 pm. Registration is required.
Featuring keynote speakers:
- Dr. Amy Johnson, Program Director – VWL
- Patrick Kenney, Superintendent – SNP
- Christopher Miller, President – PEC
Although we have missed meeting with you in person, we are excited to share with our Ridges to Rivers and Summer Safari supporters that the partnership between our three organizations has continued throughout the pandemic. We look forward to speaking with you about the interconnectedness of our three organizations and how our collective and collaborative work is moving conservation forward.
Please tune in on June 24 to learn about why conservation and collaboration are so important and how you can participate in conservation in your community. I hope to see you there!
With gratitude,
Karissa Epley, Associate Director of Development
The Piedmont Environmental Council