After a successful town hall meeting in August, the local citizen group Protect Fauquier and nonprofit organizations Citizens for Fauquier County and The Piedmont Environmental Council hosted a second community town hall on October 26, 2022, on the impact the proposed Amazon data center could have on the Town of Warrenton and Fauquier County. The program was well-received with a strong turnout from the community as well as a number of key elected officials representing both the Town and County. We encourage those who were unable to attend to watch the recording below.
Our Community: More at Risk… by pecva
Additional resources:
- Key Takeaways Handout
- Video recording + copy of the presentation slides
- Map Gallery on Flickr
- FAQ Handout
- Supplemental Materials from Dr. John Lyver
- Piedmont Environmental Council – pecva.org/blackwell
- Citizens for Fauquier County – citizensforfauquier.org
- Protect Fauquier – protectfauquier.com
Upcoming Key Decisions:
Special Use Permit:
The Warrenton Planning Commission is continuing its review of the Special Use Permit Application. Despite a recent announcement by Amazon’s local attorney, John Foote, postponing future work sessions on the Special Use Permit, a second work session on the proposal was held on October 25. Amazon submitted new information to the Town regarding viewsheds, noise and energy infrastructure, and a new site plan.
Although these issues are still far from resolved, it’s just been announced that the Warrenton Planning Commission public hearing for the Amazon Special Use Permit is scheduled for November 15 at 7 p.m. at 21 Main Street Warrenton, VA 20186. We encourage you, along with your neighbors, friends and family to sign our petition and reach out to members of the Town Council and the Planning Commission to make your voice heard. After the Planning Commission’s recommendation of either approval or denial of the application, the Town Council will then hold its own public hearings, followed by a vote.
Warrenton Boundary Line Adjustment:
The Town of Warrenton is also considering a boundary line adjustment request that would incorporate land from the County into the Town. We are concerned that the largest area included in the request, to the south and east represent an “opportunity for the Town to expand its industrial use needs” which would allow for data centers with the approval of a Special Use Permit.
After receiving the request from the Town the County Board of Supervisors pass a resolution initiating proceedings, but agreed to delay the public hearing to allow time for analysis of various options and impacts, and to seek out public input for a better understanding of what the Town wants to accomplish and how residents will be affected. The Town County Liaison Committee, the body that deals with issues concerning both the Town and County, is scheduled to meet sometime in late November. However, the Town Council moved to create a Joint Town and County working group solely dedicated to the boundary line adjustment in addition to the Town County Liaison Committee. All of the members of this working group, a meeting date, or how the committees will interact have yet to be determined.
Dominion’s State Corporation Commission (SCC) Filing:
In light of the growing ambiguity of Dominion’s claims regarding utility infrastructure and the energy requirements of the Amazon site, their filing with the SCC has been delayed until early 2023.
Sign the Petition:
Add your name to the community petition opposing Amazon’s Proposed Data Center →