On Monday, Jan. 22, we hosted a community meeting on data centers and energy infrastructure in Purcellville. It was great to have more than 170 people join us at Woodgrove High School to learn more about these important issues, ask questions and share concerns.
We also want to give a shout-out to our event partners the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, the Waterford Foundation, Loudoun Farm Bureau, and the Loudoun County Preservation & Conservation Coalition (which PEC is a member of).
PEC is coordinating and working closely with our partners on the specific concerns arising from the proposed NextEra line. Waterford Foundation is taking the lead in coordinating and compiling the various community and business perspectives into a single comprehensive case against the line through Loudoun and we encourage you to reach out to them to include your group’s concerns in that effort.
PEC will also continue to track and inform the public on the state of the unconstrained data center growth causing the lack of capacity and reliability in the grid. Without awareness and public input to insist on changes to data center development, new powerlines and substations will keep surprising communities in Loudoun, in other counties across the region and across the state. (See below for ways that you can help.)
Below are a few resources from the event, including a link to the presentation.
Recording of Presentation
Presentation Slides
Input Opportunities:
- General Assembly – there have been multiple related bills (helpful to the cause) that have been introduced in the current legislative session. We are tracking them to stay on top of changes as they happen and encourage you to take action and ask your legislators to support them. Share our advocacy campaign >>
- Board of Supervisors meetings
- Feb. 6 (next Board Business meeting) Sign up to speak about your concerns on data center proliferation during the public comment period at this or future Board meetings.
- Key points to make: Don’t approve any more rezonings or special exceptions for data centers until grid energy solutions are in place; Complete the Data Center Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance update ASAP with clear policies and regulations limiting where and how data centers are built including environmental performance standards to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency.
- Key points to make: Don’t approve any more rezonings or special exceptions for data centers until grid energy solutions are in place; Complete the Data Center Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance update ASAP with clear policies and regulations limiting where and how data centers are built including environmental performance standards to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency.
- March 13 (Board Public Hearing) The Board will reconsider and decide on the Belmont Innovation data center application. While the applicant has offered protective natural resource commitments, the complex is expected to use 600 MW of power (equal to ~one-third of the residential units in Loudoun) without serious energy efficiency or pollution reduction commitments.
- Feb. 6 (next Board Business meeting) Sign up to speak about your concerns on data center proliferation during the public comment period at this or future Board meetings.
- NextEra (the utility company in charge of building the transmission line) – Stay alert for information about NextEra’s public information sessions that we’ll be sharing through our email listserv (you’ve now been added). They are likely to be scheduled this summer and we’ll do our best to keep you informed. In the meantime, you can submit comments/questions about this project on this NexEra webpage >>
Other resources
- Video recording of the presentation
- Link to presentation slides
- Data center explainer video – please share!
- Link to PEC’s interactive online map of transmission line proposals
- Take action – send a message to your state elected officials using our online advocacy campaign
- PEC’s webpage about data centers
- Handout with data center bills to support
- Environmental Policy Recommendations in the Virginia Conservation Network (VCN) Common Agenda Briefing Book for the 2023 Virginia General Assembly:
- Waterford Petition – Oppose 500KV Transmission Lines Proposed Through Western Loudoun and Waterford NHL
- Recent news articles:
- Concern Grows Over Data Centers, Power Lines in Loudoun
- FERC Approves Cost Guarantees for NextEra in the Face of Loudoun Power Line Opposition
- General Assembly Appoints NextEra Attorney to SCC Seat
- New Fauquier County policy seen as strong deterrent to data centers
- ‘Our voices must be heard’: Residents file lawsuits challenging the Digital Gateway
- New coalition calls for changes to Virginia’s data center approach
We encourage you to continue to talk to your friends, family and neighbors about transmission lines and data centers and pass along the information we’ve included here. The PJM process may be over but in the next few months, please plan to engage in the routing discussions with NextEra. Once they have submitted a route for approval and the SCC (Virginia State Corporation Commission) opens its public process for the line, your engagement will be critical.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my colleagues Tia Earman (tearman@pecva.org) and Julie Bolthouse (jbolthouse@pecva.org) if you have any questions.
Since PEC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, free and informative events like this recent community meeting are only possible with the support of people like you. Please give generously to PEC to facilitate ongoing community outreach, and push for more rational energy policy going forward.
Gem Bingol
Senior Land Use Field Representative
Loudoun County
The Piedmont Environmental Council