Our partners at the James River Association, Virginia Department of Forestry, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation are working with landowners across the middle and upper James watershed to restore or create forest buffers that improve the quality of local waterways.
The James River Buffer Program (JRBP) exists to help landowners based in the James River watershed install riparian buffers on their properties. Through no cost to the landowner, the JRBP works with you to select the kinds of native trees and plants that you prefer on your land, takes care of the initial planting, and even maintains the buffers for three years once they are planted.
Learn more and see if your property qualifies at https://www.jamesriverbuffers.org.
If you’re unsure which watershed you live in, find out by entering your address into our online map. If your property is located in the Rappahannock River watershed, check out the PEC’s Headwater Stream Initiative. If your property is located in the Potomac River watershed, check out PEC’s Potomac Planting Program.