This fall, we received two important grants to support and expand our work protecting rivers and streams.
Video Messages from Earth Day
PEC staff were busy all over the Piedmont for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Earth Day Tree Giveaway
The Piedmont Environmental Council partnered up with Friends of the Rappahannock to give away free trees to Fauquier County residents in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!

Stream crossing projects aim to ease passage for fish, and people
The Piedmont Environmental Council and Virginia Department of Transportation are collaborating to reconnect brook trout habitat and improve flood resiliency and public road-stream crossings in the Virginia Piedmont.

A Legacy of Love
Through the Headwaters Stream Initiative, an astounding 3,765 trees were planted on 16 acres the Goodall property in Madison County, including 4,600 linear feet of stream.
Trees Planted, Smiling Faces
In partnership with Sugarland Run HOA, the Broadlands HOA, the Red Cedar HOA and Loudoun County Government, we’ve finished planting 3.26+ acres, 968 native trees and shrubs, in three Loudoun Communities.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and involved communities for helping Loudoun streams, our local environment and the Chesapeake Bay! Thanks also to grants from The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Fairfax Water, and generous in-kind support by Heritage Landscape Services, LLC and Premier Turf and Landscaping.
Sugarland Run Tree Planting — Spring 2015
On Saturday, April 25th, the Sugarland Run community planted over 160 native trees and shrubs to help reduce air and water pollution in Sterling and add beneficial habitat. Over 80 people turned out to get a little dirty and work together for the environment and enjoy a feeling of accomplishment.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation awarded PEC a $200,000 grant from the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund this past October. With this grant, PEC will collaborate with Loudoun County, the Town of Lovettsville, Loudoun County Master Gardeners and Loudoun homeowners associations to implement projects that involve planting native trees and shrubs, improving stormwater facilities and reducing polluted runoff in Loudoun County communities.