Dominion Energy says it would be required to build new 230-kV transmission lines if the Amazon data center on Blackwell Rd in Warrenton moves forward.
Eyes Turn Toward Richmond: What To Expect This Session
Beyond the biennial budget bill, where PEC plans to help lead the charge for increased and dedicated funding for natural resource preservation, there are a few key issue areas we’ll be watching closely over the next two months.
Take Action: Dominion Energy requesting a significant profit increase
PEC joins with our partner organizations across the state in opposition to Dominion Energy’s request to increase their guaranteed profit from 9.2% to 10.8%.
Act Now to Clean up Virginia Politics
At 1 p.m. on Monday, a specially-convened committee on campaign finance reform will hold its first-ever meeting. This is your opportunity to tell legislators to enact common sense campaign finance reforms to ensure transparency and protect the integrity of our political system.