
The Environmental Footprint of the Digital Age

The Environmental Footprint of the Digital Age

Virginia is subsidizing billions of dollars in data center development on the backs of its ratepayers, without a full understanding of the long-term ramifications.

Initial Transmission Proposals – PEC Web Map

Initial Transmission Proposals – PEC Web Map

Transmission line proposals to serve the explosive growth of data centers in Virginia over the past few years have begun to roll in.

PEC Responds to Dominion Energy’s Proposed 2023 Integrated Resource Plan

PEC Responds to Dominion Energy’s Proposed 2023 Integrated Resource Plan

In September, The Piedmont Environmental Council’s Director of Land Use Julie Bolthouse submitted public comment on Dominion Energy’s proposed Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) as part of case number PUR-2023-00066 before the Virginia State Corporation Commission.

Mitigating Data Center Development’s Impacts

Mitigating Data Center Development’s Impacts

Virginia is home to the largest concentration of data centers in the world, widely cited as hosting 70% of global internet traffic. This massive industry is continuing to grow very fast, requiring huge amounts of energy, land, and water to operate, resulting in widespread community impacts.