Take action for your community and ensure that your legislators support data center reform.
General Assembly has opportunity to create a Smarter Digital Future for Virginia
Several pieces of legislation have been introduced to reform data center development and protect Virginia ratepayers.
Four Pillars of Data Center Reform
Without strong regulatory and legislative intervention, the risks and costs of the immense infrastructure supporting data centers is destined to be passed on to all ratepayers, including other businesses and residents.
Commentary: Dominion, data centers are fleecing ratepayers
PEC President, Chris Miller, recently wrote an op-ed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch about the energy “crisis by contract” created by Dominion Energy and the data center industry.
Video: Virginia’s Parks and Battlefields are at Risk
Virginia’s state and national parks, battlefields, and other historic and recreational sites are under threat from uncontrolled data center development. One notable example is Wilderness Battlefield, in Orange County, which was named one of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places in 2024 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
The Virginia SCC has forced Transparency Out of Dominion Energy
The State Corporation Commission required Dominion to supplement its Oct. 15, 2024, Integrated Resource Plan with modeling plans that meet the requirements of the Virginia Clean Economy Act and show scenarios without data center load. Dominion Energy has begrudgingly responded and the results are alarming, yet unsurprising.
Dominion Energy Integrated Resource Plan projects historic rate increases for Virginia ratepayers while subsidizing the world’s wealthiest companies
The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) filed by Dominion
Energy with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (“SCC”) this week projects a more than 100
percent increase in electricity usage in the next 15 years, primarily driven by the explosive and
uncontrolled growth of data centers.
Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture
I’m writing today to share some good news, some hopeful developments in our continued fight against the relentless industrialization of Culpeper by the data center industry, and an invitation to our ongoing lecture series at the Culpeper County Library.
In the Driver’s Seat on Parking Lot Solar
Since Virginia is still at the beginning of its energy transition, now is the perfect time to rebuild our energy system in a way that is just and fair to all Virginia residents and ratepayers. Toward that end, PEC has taken the lead in aggressively exploring the viability of parking lot solar in Virginia.
Action Needed: New transmission line designation threatens Virginia communities
Tell the U.S. Department of Energy that fueling skyrocketing data center energy demand with coal-fired power plants is not an acceptable solution.