Comprehensive Plans

Planning Updates: Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville

Planning Updates: Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville

Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville are considering significant changes to land use planning and related policies, including a new comprehensive plan for the County and a new zoning ordinance for the City. We encourage you to participate in the public input and debate that will occur over the next few months and into 2023.

Updating the Charlottesville Zoning Code: A Diagnostic Tool

Updating the Charlottesville Zoning Code: A Diagnostic Tool

The City of Charlottesville is in the third and final phase of the Cville Plans Together process: updating its zoning ordinance. Drafting that important document will take place this fall, but the groundwork is being laid right now. We would like to share more details about what is underway and how you can get involved.

Albemarle Completes Land Use Buildout Analysis

Albemarle Completes Land Use Buildout Analysis

As PEC wrote in April, Albemarle County is in the midst of updating its Comprehensive Plan (known as AC 44). The first part of this process is a review of the County’s current Growth Management Policy. This step will investigate how the currently designated Development Areas could support future growth and if changes are needed.

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County is evaluating three different land use changes that would introduce industrial and residential sprawl into the Rural Crescent, to the detriment of water quality, wildlife habitat, agriculture, historic resources, tourism and the rural atmosphere.

Culpeper Reviews Its Comprehensive Plan in 2022

Culpeper Reviews Its Comprehensive Plan in 2022

Every five years, each locality in the commonwealth is required to conduct a review of some part or all of its comprehensive plan. For Culpeper County, which last adopted its comprehensive plan in September 2015, that five-year review will take place over much of 2022, after a pandemic-related pause to a review process that began in 2019.

A Few Highlights From 2021

A Few Highlights From 2021

Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and a global economic slowdown, 2021 proved to be a year of new opportunity here at The Piedmont Environmental Council.

National Parks, Rural Prince William Under Threat

National Parks, Rural Prince William Under Threat

As PEC’s deputy director of land use, I am writing to let you know about several local issues that have both regional and national implications. Put simply, the rural area of Prince William County, also known as the “Rural Crescent,” is under threat. Three different proposals are being considered, each unique in scope, but together represent the urbanization and industrialization of the remaining rural lands in Prince William County.