Lending a Lens

At PEC, we have the privilege of working with countless individuals who are dedicated to protecting this wonder­ful region. Carl Zitzmann is one such person. Some of you might not immediately recognize his name, but there’s a good chance that you’ve seen his photographs in one of our publications, weekly news emails, or on our website.

Carl has volunteered his photographic talents to us for about seven years. “I really admire the mission of PEC, so I love that I can contribute my experience in a meaningful way,” says Carl. With over 30 years in photography, Carl is familiar with cap­turing people in special moments and landscapes in the perfect light. He gained part of his experience at the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority before moving onto work as an assistant director of photography at George Mason University.

Whether he’s helping out at a PEC event or spending time near his home in the beautiful countryside of Rappahannock County, he’s driven to get that great shot. “I’m always looking for those moments when things align. It could be people, nature, or architecture, but when I’m able to capture that deci­sive moment, it’s magic,” says Carl.

Like so many of our members, Carl has made PEC a better organization. We are so very appreciative and lucky to have volunteers like him!

This article was featured in our Summer 2014 Member Newsletter, The Piedmont View.