Loudoun residents! Plans for a new countywide parks and trails system are underway, and the county needs your input. In early 2019, the Board of Supervisors directed the county’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Board to develop an implementation plan for an expanded and interconnected system of parks and trails that tie into existing parks and trails throughout the county. From the county’s website:
- The Linear Parks & Trails subcommittee seeks an interconnected system of multi-use passive recreation linear parks and trails that connect communities across Loudoun County’s 500 square miles.
- Passive recreation users may include walkers, hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians, nature enthusiasts and other user groups.
- This system of linear parks and trails will provide benefits, including healthy recreation opportunities, bolstering of local tourism and provision of wildlife habitat.
- Prioritizing multi-use public access trails while protecting and enhancing the ecological value of trail corridors are mutual goals of the system.
- Additional community benefits include improved physical and mental health and wellness, increased safety along corridors and a connection to the natural world including support for conservation.
While protecting important natural resources, this “linear” trails system will give people much greater access to recreation throughout the county and alternative transportation for residents who may wish to bicycle or walk, rather than drive, to the various places they need to go.
Public input and engagement are important components of community planning. PEC wants to make sure that you have the opportunity to share your comments and suggestions for Loudoun’s new trails system.
Fill out the county’s survey below by Thursday, May 20: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H9RFNXD
Interested in learning more about the new trails system?
- Visit the Loudoun County Parks, Recreation and Community Services Linear Parks and Trails System Planning Process website: https://www.loudoun.gov/5472/About
- Sign up to attend the upcoming public meeting on May 26 to hear about survey findings and an update on the plan.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – Public Workshop #2
Option 1: 12:00 p.m.
Option 2: 7:30 p.m.
When will the plan be adopted? The county’s website lists late summer 2021.