The following text was sent out via email on July 21, 2022. Sign up for PEC email alerts →
Update (09/12/2022): On July 26, the Loudoun Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposal to construct a 150-foot cell tower at Mickie Gordon Memorial Park, property owned by Loudoun County Public Schools off Route 50 between Middleburg and the historic Village of Aldie. Public comments focused on unaddressed issues, such as tower height restrictions, cell coverage analysis and alternative locations.
The Planning Commission voted to deny the application after the applicant was unwilling to allow a work session to discuss concerns the Commission had raised. The applicant subsequently filed an appeal and revised its application with a lower tower height of 130 feet. However, there is a law that could allow the company to add an additional 20 feet to a constructed tower (to 150 feet) without requesting further approvals from the County, making the appeal disingenuous to community concerns at best.
On September 14, the Board of Supervisors will hold its own public hearing to consider the appeal and an additional special exception application to permit the tower in the zoning district. The staff report is on the Loudoun County website.
We hope you will share your thoughts on this proposal with the Board of Supervisors. You may sign up to speak at the public hearing next Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6 p.m., or email the Board at

Dear Supporter,
Part of PEC’s mission is to preserve scenic landscapes and culturally sensitive areas. We often carry out this work by monitoring land development applications. Today, I am reaching out to let you know about a telecommunication tower proposal that has come to our attention because of its potential to threaten those resources.
A private development company has submitted plans to construct a 150’ cell tower at Mickie Gordon Memorial Park along Route 50, in between Middleburg and the historic village of Aldie, on property owned by the Loudoun County Public Schools. Additional project information can be found on the Loudoun County website.
PEC believes the tower location is inappropriate and could negatively impact the visual character of the Route 50 corridor and its surrounding rural environment. Last year, Middleburg’s mayor and local residents also raised several concerns about the project when it went before the school board for approval. Since then, the proposed tower height has been reduced from 185 feet to 150 feet, and the tower has been relocated to the rear of the park. But community concerns, and ours, about the negative impacts of the tower remain.

We urge you to help protect the area’s scenic landscape by sharing your own thoughts on this proposal at the planning commission public hearing next Tuesday, July 26 at 6 p.m. There are numerous ways to participate, including writing an email directly to the planning commission at
As the proposal begins its legislative review, please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Evan McCarthy
Loudoun and Clarke Field Representative
(540) 347-2334 ext. 7044