Envision Loudoun Comment Deadline Approaching

The following email was sent out January 5, 2017 to engage with PEC followers on the subject of growth and planning in Loudoun County:

A few days left to weigh in

citizen engagement

Now that the holidays are behind us, I want to remind you to weigh in on the Envision Loudoun initiative before the deadline next Wednesday, January 11.

Citizen input in planning for Loudoun’s future is absolutely critical — particularly when some are pushing for more residential development at a faster pace than the county and general public have planned for. That push was evident in the recent Loudoun Now article entitled ‘County, Consultant Reports Conflict on Housing Needs’.

The comments gathered as part of Envision Loudoun will guide the 2018 update of the County Comprehensive Plan. The plan represents the community’s vision for the future and is the most important document regarding land use, transportation and resource utilization.

Submit your comments online by Wednesday, January 11

If you missed the in-person sessions held in November and December, there is now a chance for you to share your thoughts and ideas through a short online questionnaire. The deadline is this Wednesday, January 11.

Only about 900 people attended the sessions, which means there’s a lot more input needed to really reflect the thoughts of Loudoun residents!


Gem Bingol
Loudoun Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council