This text was taken from an email alert sent out on July 30, 2020. Sign up for email alerts >>

Dear Supporter,
I wanted to provide another quick update on an issue we wrote to you about two weeks ago: the Banbury Cross development before the Middleburg Planning Commission.
First, thank you to everyone who submitted emails and gave testimony at the July 27 public hearing! Your comments provided the Planning Commission with many valid points to consider and Commissioners expressed their appreciation for all of the input that they have received.
Both Evan McCarthy and I provided testimony regarding PEC’s concerns about the application and inherent problems resulting from weaknesses in Loudoun’s cluster ordinance. Specifically, we raised questions about the inadequacies of the hydrogeology report, and potential groundwater and surface water impacts that would impact the town. PEC’s July 16 email alert and our July 6 website update further outline our concerns over the loss of farmland soils, the lack of information on archaeological resources and questions about the visual impact of the development.
In addition, the public raised significant questions and concerns about whether the plat meets all of the requirements of Middleburg’s subdivision ordinance, and whether the decision should go forward given a lawsuit has raised questions with regard to the title for the property.
In the end, the Planning Commission voted unanimously (with one absence) to table the application for two weeks. The Commission will reconvene in a special session on August 10. The public hearing is closed with no further input accepted. If you missed it, here’s the link to listen to any or all of the meeting, and read the news articles here and here.
Stay tuned for the outcome of the August 10 meeting!
Gem Bingol
Loudoun Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council