The following text was taken from an email alert sent out on February 11, 2021. Sign up for PEC email alerts >>
Dear Supporter,
I wanted to give you a brief update on Greene County’s comprehensive plan review process. The planning commission’s initial public hearing was scheduled to take place a few weeks ago on January 20, but since the meeting ran long, they decided to postpone it to allow for better public participation.
The initial comprehensive plan public work session and public hearing has been rescheduled for next Wed., February 17 at 6:30 PM. It is now the first item on the planning commission’s agenda. As I mentioned in my previous email, this is a great opportunity to get an overview of the existing comprehensive plan, as well as to learn about the county’s anticipated timeline for completing the comprehensive plan review this year.
The public work session format affords you the opportunity to offer your thoughts and feedback directly to county staff and the planning commission as to what you think are important things that the county should be considering as it plans for the future. You can also provide written comments via email to
Due to the ongoing state of emergency resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held virtually. You can access the meeting via Zoom or phone using the information below.
Wednesday, February 17, 6:30 PM
Planning Commission Public Hearing and Work Session
This meeting will include an overview of Greene County’s current comprehensive plan vision and anticipated timeline for the comp plan review.
Zoom Meeting Link >>
Meeting ID: 898 6783 5197
Passcode: 839037
1‐888‐475‐4499 US Toll‐free
Helpful resources:
- 2016 Comprehensive Plan
- Planning Commission agenda
- County’s comp plan presentation for the public hearing
- County website with additional details about the 2021 comp plan review
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I hope you’ll join me on the planning commission’s Zoom meeting next week and encourage your friends and neighbors to attend as well.
All the best,
Adam Gillenwater
Greene County Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council