On Friday, January 27, 2023, more than seventy participants gathered together to learn more about small agricultural solar. This workshop, hosted by The Piedmont Environmental Council, covered the latest information on incentives offered by USDA Rural Energy for America Program for improving energy efficiency and/or installing renewable energy, information about ag net metering and small generators options with utilities, tools for analyzing return on investment and tips for finding reputable solar installers.
Attendees enjoyed hearing directly from speakers with the Virginia Agricultural Extension Service, the REAP program, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, Tiger Solar (a local/regional installer), Solar United Neighbors, and more.
Speaker list / Presentation list
Solar on the Farm Welcome (The Piedmont Environmental Council)
Julie Bolthouse, [email protected]
(540) 347-2334 x7042
Rural Energy for America Program (USDA)
Tracey Krespach, [email protected]
(804) 287-1606
REC Solar Opportunities (Rappahannock Electric Cooperative)
Meghan Jennings, [email protected]
(540) 220-4988
Solar Opportunities (Dominion Energy)
Austin Jones, [email protected]
(804) 584.7289
What you need to know for a Solar Project (Solar United Neighbors)
Ben Hoyne, [email protected]
(804) 877-1577
Solar Energy Resources through the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service
John Ignosh, [email protected]
[Video Presentation]
What Service does a Solar Installer Provide? (Tiger Solar)
Russ Edwards, [email protected]
Solar at a Brewery (Powers Farm & Brewery)
Kevin Powers, [email protected]
Solar on a Cattle Farm in Easement (Ellis Family / Clifton Farm)
Robert Ellis
The January 27 workshop was cosponsored by the Fauquier Farm Bureau, Fauquier Climate Change Group, John Marshall Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Fauquier County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension, and made possible by a grant from the Lazar Foundation.
PEC plans to hold a second in person workshop in the fall (likely in Orange County). Stay tuned for details on that event!
Have questions? Send an email to Julie Bolthouse at [email protected].