As we enter the month of May our communities remain under orders to maintain social distancing. Fauquier County has adopted a significantly reduced budget and is implementing a new public hearing format which allows for both in person and remote participation (see more detail below). The Town of Warrenton is working on revising their 2021-2026 CIP and FY 2021 Budget with a series of worksessions and public hearings in May and adoption planned for June 9.
The May 5 elections for the Towns of Warrenton, Remington, and The Plains have been pushed back two weeks to May 19 per the Governor’s Executive Order 56 and Executive Order 59. The Virginia Department of Elections and the Towns of Fauquier County are encouraging voters to protect their health during COVID-19 outbreak and vote absentee. Voters may choose reason “2A My disability or illness” for absentee voting in the May and June 2020 elections due to COVID-19. Voters who choose the absentee option should do so as soon as possible so they can get their ballots in time to return them by mail by Election Day. Apply online for a Virginia absentee ballot >>
This year is also a decennial Census year meaning that the counts collected between March and August will impact federal allocation of funding, redistricting, and policy and business decisions over the next decade. Fauquier is currently ranked 17th in the state with a 63% Census response rate. We are still behind Loudoun, (70.2%, 3rd), Stafford (67.2%, 7th), and Prince William (63.4%, 15th). To help improve Fauquier’s response rate complete your census by visiting and help spread the word. Come to your Census Fauquier!
Fauquier County
New Public Hearing Format –
To make comments during citizens time or on a public hearing item you have a remote participation option and an in-person option.
- Remote participation – To participate remotely you need to register in advance by contacting the Office of the County Administrator at (540) 422-8001. Instructions will be provided to individuals who sign up for electronic public input prior to the meeting. During the meeting, email comments to to be read into the public record for Citizens Time and/or Public Hearings by emailing.
- In-person participation – Live citizen participation at the meeting location will be limited to those desiring to speak during Citizens’ Time or during a scheduled public hearing. Please note that social distancing will be practiced and masks will be required. Anyone without a mask will not be permitted to enter the building and anyone granted entry must wear a mask throughout the building as a public safety measure.
Board of Supervisors Meetings
May 14, 2020 11am and 6:30pm
Virtual Worksession and Public Hearing to Adopt Continuity of Government Ordinance
- Meeting Agenda (will be posted here) –
- View Virtual Meeting-
Planning Commission Meeting
May 21, 2020 Worksession and Public Hearing (Cancelled)
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
May 7, 2020, 2pm Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting (Cancelled)
Town of Warrenton
Town Council Meeting
May 7, 2020, 7pm Town Council Budget Work Session on Budget Items – Internal Service Funds, Capital Improvement Project
May 12, 2020, 7pm Town Council Regular Meeting – Public Hearing on Budget & Adoption of tax rates and other fees
- To View Agendas and Video Recordings –
- To Submit Virtual Public Comments (staff is working out how public input will be handled, the following website will be updated prior to public hearing with details):
May 21, 2020, 6pm Town Council Worksession on Budget
June 4, 2020, 7pm Town Council Worksession on Budget
June 9, 2020, 7pm Town Council Regular Meeting – Adoption of budget, other fee ordinances, and resolutions
Planning Commission Meeting
May 19, 2020, 7pm Town Planning Commission Regular Meeting (Cancelled)
May 26, 2020, 7pm Town Planning Commission Worksession (Cancelled)
Town of The Plains
Town Council Meeting
May 4, 2020, 7pm Town Planning Commission Meeting (Cancelled)
May 18, 2020, 7:30pm Town Council Regular Meeting (Cancelled)
All May town meetings have been cancelled and a decision on June meetings will be posted by May 25. For more information and a letter from the Mayor about the upcoming election and voting absentee please visit the Town’s webpage at
Voting in Town Elections
As a proactive measure, the Towns of Warrenton, Remington, and The Plains are all encouraging residents to vote absentee in the May 19 election (moved from May 5). It only takes a couple minutes to sign up and there are directions at the top of the page for how to sign up due to COVID 19: The last day to “officially” file for absentee voting is May 12th, however, all absentee ballots must be received by the Fauquier County Office of the General Registrar by 5pm on May 16.
Thanks for reading and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Julie Bolthouse
Fauquier Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council
540-347-2334 ext. 7042
Follow Julie on Twitter: @JulieBolthouse