As we enter the month of June our communities have entered Phase 1 of reopening. Much is still closed but much has also opened up in a limited way. The Town of Warrenton has implemented the “Roll Out Warrenton” initiative which allows for increased outdoor dining space to help restaurants meet safety requirements. While wineries and breweries in the County have pivoted to curbside pick up and delivery.
The Town of Warrenton is still working on revising their 2021-2026 CIP and FY 2021 Budget, having had several meetings on it in May, adoption is planned for June 9. The Town Planning Commission and Architecture Review Board (ARB) meetings for June appear to be cancelled on the Town’s calendar.
The Town of Remington will be having a public hearing on their 2020-2021 budget which includes no change in real estate or personal property tax. The announcement does not outline any special guidelines in place for participation. Contacting the Town regarding meeting participation guidelines prior to attending would be prudent.
The Plains will be having its first meeting since the COVID-19 shut down. The June meeting will be held outside and attendees are to follow all CDC and State Health Department guidelines (PPE will be provided if needed). Their Planning Commission and (ARB) are planned to resume meetings in July.
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors continues to meet but the Planning Commission and ARB will not resume meeting until July.
Fauquier County
New Public Hearing Format – To make comments during citizens time or on a public hearing item you have a remote participation option and an in-person option.
- Remote participation – To participate remotely you need to register in advance by contacting the Office of the County Administrator at (540) 422-8001. Instructions will be provided to individuals who sign up for electronic public input prior to the meeting. During the meeting, email comments to to be read into the public record for Citizens Time and/or Public Hearings by emailing.
- In-person participation – Live citizen participation at the meeting location will be limited to those desiring to speak during Citizens’ Time or during a scheduled public hearing. Please note that social distancing will be practiced and masks will be required. Anyone without a mask will not be permitted to enter the building and anyone granted entry must wear a mask throughout the building as a public safety measure.
More about the Electronic Meetings Protocol:
Board of Supervisors Meetings
- June 11, 2020 11am and 6:30pm: Virtual Worksession and Public Hearing on increasing the courthouse security fee from ten dollars to 20 dollars on every traffic and criminal conviction in circuit and district courts in the County.
- Meeting Agenda (will be posted here) –
- View Virtual Meeting-
Planning Commission Meeting
- June 18th, 2020 Worksession and Public Hearing (Cancelled)
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
- June 4th, 2020 2pm Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting (Cancelled)
Town of Warrenton
New Public Hearing Format – To make a comment on a public hearing item you have two choices:
Make a live comment during the virtual meeting by using the “raise hand” feature in Zoom. These comments are audio-only. Fill out this form to submit comments before noon the day prior to the public hearing date that will be read or summarized at the meeting.
Town Council Meeting
- June 4th, 2020 7pm Town Council Budget Work Session on Budget
- June 9th, 2020 7pm Town Council Regular Meeting – Public Hearing on Budget & Adoption of tax rates and other fees
- To View Agendas and Video Recordings –
- Virtual Meeting Public Comment Procedures:
Planning Commission Meeting
- June 16, 2020, 7pm Town Planning Commission Regular Meeting (Cancelled)
- June 23, 2020, 7pm Town Planning Commission Worksession (Cancelled)
Town of The Plains
Meetings will be held outside on the front lawn of the Grace Episcopal Church, 6507 Main Street, The Plains, VA 20198. It will follow all CDC and State Health Department guidelines. Personal Protective Equipment will be provided to attendees if needed.
Town Council Meeting
- June 15, 2020, 7:30pm Town Council Meeting
- July 13, 2020, 5:30pm Town Planning Commission Meeting
Location: Grace Episcopal Church, 6507 Main Street, The Plains, VA 20198
Rain Date is Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 5:30pm
Architecture Review Board (ARB) Meeting
- July 8, 2020, 7pm ARB Meeting
Location: Front lawn of the John Page Turner House, 6473 Main Street
Rain Date is Monday, July 13, 2020, 7pm
Town of Remington
Meetings will be held at the Remington Town Hall located at 105 East Main St. Remington. The Town Hall will reopen on June 1 with the following restrictions:
- face masks/coverings required for face-to-face service
- maximum 2 people per party allowed inside
- number of customers allowed in the lobby will be limited
- customers waiting for service will remain outside in a single line, 6 feet apart
- restrooms will not be available to the public
It is unclear if and how these restrictions will extend to evening public hearings.
Town Council Meeting
- June 8, 2020, 7pm Town Council Meeting – Public Hearing on FY 2020-2021
Budget Summary of Proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget:
- General Fund $284,883.33
- Water Fund $357,949.61
- DMV Fund $141,085.42
- Cemetery Fund $15,650.00
- Cemetery Trust Fund $19,275.00
- Total Revenue $818.843.36 | Expenditures $818,843.36
- Real Estate Tax Rate 0.125¢/$100 – no change
- Personal Property Tax Rate $1.10/$100 – no change
Thanks for reading and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Julie Bolthouse
Fauquier Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council
540-347-2334 ext. 7042
Follow Julie on Twitter: @JulieBolthouse