The world may not be back to normal, but the future is what we create through a series of decisions. This week does not feature as many government meetings, but there will be some key conversations on our water supply, Greene County’s desire to attract new business, and the future of our transit system.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The two Rivanna authorities meet virtually beginning at 2 p.m. with the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority going first. The main item is a presentation of rates for various services offered by the RSWA. If you’re interested in solid waste issues, this is the meeting for you. (agenda)
The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority goes next with a meeting that includes the long-awaited report on water demand for the urban area. This document is a key component of the water supply plan agreed to in January 2012. This information will be used as RWSA Board members determine the timing of a new water line connecting the South Fork and Ragged Mountain reservoirs. (report) (full agenda)
The Albemarle County Planning Commission meets at 6 p.m. for a virtual meeting with two important items. In the first, the R.A. Yancey Lumber Corporation is seeking a series of special exceptions for their existing mill that would bring it up to code. Currently the facility is out of compliance and the owners also want to expand the hours of operation. They also want permission to increase allowable noise levels. (staff report)
Next, Commissioners will be asked if the proposed High School Center II slated for the Mill Creek area is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The idea is to create a 60,000 square foot facility to serve 400 students to address capacity issues at the existing three high schools.
According to the staff report, Center II “will be a resource for the whole Division, strategically placed to provide access to specialized programming, and act as an interface between the school, community, and professional organizations that provide out-of-building learning experiences that are recommended in the Virginia Profile of a Graduate to provide meaningful work-based experiences to all our graduating students.” (staff report)
The Greene County Board of Supervisors meets at 7:30 p.m. The main land use item is an ordinance to designate a portion of the county as a “defense production and support service” zone that would allow for tax incentives and credits.
“The defense industry remains one of Greene County’s primary target industries,” writes economic development director Alan Yost in a staff report. “Our proximity to Rivanna Station and other unique qualities makes the defense industry one of our key opportunities to recruit business.” (staff report)
The Greene BOS will also hear updates from the Virginia Department of Transportation and will allocate funds for the FY2021 budget. If the goal is to attract new residents, is the county looking far ahead to see how that will affect schools and roads? (full agenda)
While not open to the public, the Charlottesville City Council is scheduled for a seven-hour closed session today. This is the latest in a series of closed meetings that have been held this month. You can still tune in at 11 a.m. to hear the motion that will allow this gathering to be held under Virginia’s meeting laws. (details)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
One of the biggest issues in the Charlottesville area is the lack of homes that are affordable to people making less than the average area median income. The Housing Advisory Committee was created to advise City Council on policy issues and they meet at noon for a virtual meeting. The main item is a discussion of emergency responses to COVID-19 (meeting details) (agenda)
The Albemarle Broadband Authority meets at 5 p.m. for a virtual meeting. (access information)
Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Regional Transit Partnership was formed in late 2017 to help coordinate services between the three providers that serve the greater Charlottesville area and the University of Virginia. Their latest virtual meeting begins at 4 p.m.
The first item on the agenda is a presentation on the “Future of Transit” from a transportation planner at the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission. This conversation comes at a time when ridership is low and during a time when Albemarle is testing their commitment to a Comprehensive Plan that calls for higher residential densities in the designated growth area. (agenda)
Sean Tubbs
Field Representative – Albemarle, Charlottesville and Greene
The Piedmont Environmental Council