Thank you for your interest in pitching in to help make connective greenways a reality in Charlottesville and Albemarle. This is a multi-year effort and there will be a variety of opportunities to help out as we move forward.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please indicate the volunteer roles you are interested in so we can let you know when there are opportunities for you to help out. There will be more opportunities going forward, but these are some ways you can help us now:
Qualitative Data Analysis
At this point in our work, we’re asking some basic open-ended questions at events and meetings — and getting a variety of answers (see examples). As we look through the responses, definite patterns start to emerge. Results might eventually be summarized on . a page (see example). But for now we just need someone to do the reading and tallying. I will train you. Time commitment: 1-5 hours.

We are starting to table at events and in public places like the Downtown Mall to engage with people about their visions for a connected community. We’ll need help with all phases–set-up; surveys and map exercises; break-down.
Regular Data Entry
At events, meetings and during tabling, we are starting to collect written feedback about what people want a connected greenways system to look like. Someone needs to type it up–and this is an important job, the raw material for our qualitative work. Time commitment: varies. Most ideal would be regular, 1-4 hours/week.

Graphic Design
We have multiple needs both for signage, communications and infographics. Time commitment varies.
White papers
We would like to produce a series of white papers we can share with stakeholders about the benefits and implications of greenways, framed from a few different perspectives. Fortunately, there is abundant information on all these topics, but it needs to be collected and synthesized into concise 1-page documents. Time commitment: depends on your availability.
Potential topics include: Health benefits of walking; Business formation, expansion and relocation attributable to greenways; Improved educational or career attainment related to exercise and/or exposure to nature; Examples of improved social cohesion related to greenways; Case studies of satisfied neighborhoods connected to regional trail/greenway systems (we’re thinking of both about HOAs but also displacement concerns)

Questions? Contact Peter Krebs at