Cville Area Land Use: Week Ahead for March 17, 2025

This week I’m going right into bullet points because it is a full week and this newsletter is over 5,500 words. I know that’s too long, but I also write a smaller post for Reddit. If you’ve never seen it before, seek me out and I’ll send you a link.

Thanks to the Piedmont Environmental Council for sponsoring this look ahead at what’s happening at local and regional government meetings. For most of my journalism career, editors and colleagues dismissed this stuff as boring. I believe they were wrong and I’m stubborn enough to keep making my case.

  • Charlottesville City Council has a very full night with a public hearing on the parks and recreation master plan as well as recommendations on what projects should receive funding from the city’s affordable housing fund.
  • Louisa Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed real estate tax rate for the year and will honor a diplomat and native son killed in Sarajevo in 1995.
  • Albemarle County will have two work sessions on the proposed budget for FY2026 and will hold two budget town halls meetings. They are not the same kind of meeting.
  • Fluvanna County Supervisors will hold a public hearing on whether to enact a food and beverage tax of up to six percent of a meal’s bill.
  • Greene County’s Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a $111.12 million capital budget for FY2026, with most of that coming from debt to pay for the long-planned reservoir and equipment upgrades for water and sewer

Monday, March 17, 2025

Charlottesville City Council to hold public hearing on parks and recreation plan

The update of the Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Plan is moving full steam ahead and there will be a review at the 4 p.m. City Council work session. That’s the very beginning of Council’s second regular meeting of the month which takes place in City Council Chambers in City Hall. (meeting overview)

“After 15 months of working with PROS Consulting, the community and various boards, commissions and partners, the Department has a full plan for Council to consider adopting which would be incorporated into the City’s Comprehensive Plan,” reads the staff report.

Doing so gives staff a green light to pursue the many items in the plan. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board signed off on February 6 and the Planning Commission had a public hearing on March 11. No one wrote about either.

The plan itself is not within the meeting packet nor is there a link to the 369-page document. If you have something you want to say about the plan, the work session is not the time to do so. That will come at the public hearing that is later on in the evening after 6:30 p.m.

I would like to point something out which I believe Councilors should know. The company that was hired is PROS Consulting and the project manager is Mike Svetz. Svetz was the parks director in Charlottesville in the late 2000’s when the decision was made to close Crow Pool, rebuild Smith Pool, and invest funds in the Piedmont Family YMCA to include a pool as part of their facility that was being planned for the western end of McIntire Park.

Some previous articles on Charlottesville Tomorrow from that time:

The YMCA was delayed by a lawsuit and Crow Pool ended up staying open. None of this history is included within this master plan, which calls for the facility to be improved and expanded. That’s the sole reference, with no cost estimate or detailed description. There’s no mention of Smith Aquatic and Fitness Center, a facility that has been plagued by design flaws and prolonged closures that have cost millions in repair and lost revenue.

How much scrutiny has this draft master plan had, and what is the rush to have this added to the Comprehensive Plan? And why don’t other information outlets cover this stuff in depth and detail?

I certainly try to, but it’s just me and the two cats. They refuse to work, though.

The draft master plan has eight various implementation goals. Download the plan here. (Credit: PROS Consulting)

There are three items on the consent agenda.

  • The first are the minutes for March 4, 2025 and the minutes for March 6, 2025.
  • The second is a second reading of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program which consists of “federal funds to reimburse the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail for Fiscal Year 2024 expenses of housing convicted alien inmates.” (learn more)
  • The third is a resolution for a special exception under the new Development Code for 1115 St. Charles Court. This is related to critical slopes. The Planning Commission had a meeting on February 25 related to this and no members of the public spoke, nor have any emails or letters been received. (staff report)

There’s another report from Charlottesville City Manager Sam Sanders which does include a link to the draft parks and recreation master plan. There’s also a financial report from Bennett’s Village as well as an update from the Botanical Garden of the Piedmont.

Then there’s the public hearing to adopt the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan and add it to the Comprehensive Plan. I’ll write up the Planning Commission’s report first thing in the morning. Here’s their resolution.

The second public hearing is another repurposing of federal Community Development Block Grant. Last year, $215,000 in funding was moved from canceled projects to help the Blue Ridge Food Bank purchase refrigeration equipmentThe BEACON Kitchen got another $90,000 to address cost overruns. In November, CDBG money was moved to help cover the cost of a pedestrian bridge over Pollocks Branch.

Now it is ReadyKids’ turn for $50,000 in repurposed funds “to make possible the creation of a welcoming and accessible play space for their clients and an inviting accessible outdoor waiting area for caregivers while children are receiving their services.”

Neither the resolution or the staff report give any details on where the money comes from. There are accounting codes, though. Were those projects completed? Canceled?

Here’s where the money for ReadyKids come from (Credit: City of Charlottesville)

Next up is the first of two readings on a clarification in the city’s code to ensure that public safety employees are eligible for special disability payments. (staff report)

After that is another request for Council to waive second reading of an ordinance. This seems to be happening more often. In this case, the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) seems to have encountered difficulty in their work to move along the redevelopment of housing at Sixth Street.

Council had previously entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with CRHA in August 5, 2024 related to the city’s commitment of $3 million. This agreement was based on the premise that the project would go to construction on December 1. That did not happen and CRHA did not ask for an extension.

“Following internal reviews, City staff identified challenges in compliance tracking, coordination, and milestone adherence that necessitate updates to the MOA,” reads the staff report. “Discussions with CRHA and its development team on February 14, 2025, confirmed that adjustments to project timelines and compliance mechanisms are needed to ensure the project’s success.”

The new terms require construction to begin on July 31, 2025 and completed by July 31, 2027.

It used to be fairly unusual for Council to waive second reading but seems to have become more common.

The opening section of the new agreement, redline version (Credit: City of Charlottesville)

After that, Council will hold first of two readings of allocations to be made from the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Fund, one of several pools of potential funding. Here’s what has been recommended by a committee based on six applications.

  • $240,000 to Albemarle Home Improvement Program (AHIP) for repairs to 12 houses. This fully funds AHIP’s request.
  • $88,000 for Community Services Housing for repairs in 20 units they manage. This fully funds their request.
  • There is a typo in this one. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville requested $160,000 to support home ownership for four households below 60 percent of the area median income (AMI). The staff report first states the award is $106,000 but this project has the highest score. The memo also hints that this is being done as a pilot project on a site that now allows higher residential density than previously. Never a dull moment around here. Lower down, the full amount of $160,000 is listed.
  • The Piedmont Housing Alliance asked for and is recommended to receive $200,000 for a project at 905 Rives Street to be built under their Piedmont Community Land Trust. Piedmont Housing Alliance purchased the 0.434 acre property last June for $300,000. So far, there are no applications in the city’s development portal for this address.
  • The Piedmont Housing Alliance asked for and is recommended to receive $100,000 for the Piedmont Community Land Trust to build two homes at 356 11th Street NW. The land trust acquired the property in September 2024 for $73,150.

The only project not to be funded is one from the Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) for 180 units to be built at 1000 Wertland. The University of Virginia Foundation is part of that project, but the staff report lists several reasons why it is not a good fit for the committee.

“The POAH application is clear, however, that the development’s currently projected cost of just over $66 million will rely on a substantial funding contribution from the City of Charlottesville,” reads the staff report. “That contribution would include not only the entire $823,000 available in this CAHF cycle but also a $3 million contribution from the city’s Capital Improvement Plan. The development’s financing would also include a $3.5 million property tax rebate loan from Virginia Housing.”

This is the latest indication that the project faces headwinds other affordable housing projects in the area do not. In February, the Board of Architectural Review (BAR) said they wanted design changes. On March 4, Council agreed to declare the site as a revitalization area, but City Manager Sam Sanders said he has told UVA and UVA Foundation officials that Council is reluctant to provide any funding. Read a long story about both here.

Next up is a contract with the Charlottesville-Albemarle Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CASPCA) to run the state mandated animal shelter. The current contract expires at the end of this month and CASPCA officials were seeking additional funding. I reported that negotiations were underway in September and Albemarle County took the lead.

“The negotiation process included a lot of time for the City and County to better understand the operations of the CA-SPCA, their financial needs, and the benefits of a lasting partnership,” reads the staff report.

Under the new contract, Albemarle and Charlottesville’s payments to CASPCA will be $13 per capita in the first year increasing to $16 per capita in year two. The final year will be $17.50 per capita. There’s an option to continue for an additional two years when the payment will accelerate to $20 a year in year 5.

The meeting ends with a confidential settlement agreement. Which one? Will we ever find out? Is there a way of getting a list of all of the various confidential settlements from the past five years? I’m hopeful one of my colleagues will have capacity and bandwidth to push to find out more.

Oh, I forgot! Due to an advertising error, there’s no public hearing on the tax rates. But here’s a story about the required advertisement that the lowered real estate tax rate would be $0.9128 per $100 of assessed value.

Transparent government? Personnel settlements are usually exempt from Freedom of Information Act requests, but knowing the amount being paid to the anonymous party would be helpful.

Public hearing before Louisa Supervisors on 2025 real property tax rate

The seven-member Louisa County Board of Supervisors will meet at 5 p.m. for a closed session followed by an open session at 6 p.m.

One item on the consent agenda is worth noting. There is a resolution authorizing $30,000 from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for items related to the North Anna Power Station. These are $11,500 to maintain the Mass Notification System provided by CivicPlus, $12,000 for the maintenance of the Veoci Emergency Management Software, and $6,500 for upgrades to the Louisa County Emergency Operations Center. (learn more)

There are four items under New Business / Action Items.

  • Louisa County is working with Amazon Data Services to build two data center campuses. There is a dam on one of their properties that is not currently compliant with various regulations. The Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District holds the easement for the dam, and Louisa County seeks to acquire it. That will take an operations and maintenance agreement. (resolution) (memorandum of understanding)
  • Supervisors recently adopted a policy to accept honorary road names and they’ll take up a resolution to name a road for Nelson S. Drew, “a distinguished military officer, respected teacher, and renowned strategic thinker whose contributions had a lasting impact on U.S. diplomatic efforts, particularly in the Balkans.” The Louisa County High School’s Class of 1966 is seeking the honor for their former classmate who was killed in 1995 on the way to peace negotiations in Sarajevo. (resolution) (application)
  • There is a resolution to appropriate the costs of fencing and concrete ramps to reconstruct the Louisa County Skatepark at 540 Industrial Drive. The total is $457,923 and take a look at the resolution if you want to see the breakdown. (resolution)
  • There is a resolution to allow the Department of Fire and EMS to apply for a grant from the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund Grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia for $48,000 for half the cost to purchase medication pumps and video laryngoscopes. (resolution)
A rendering of the future skate park (Credit: Louisa County)

Halfway through Louisa County, I want to point out that more rural counties tend to include more information in the meeting packets for their elected officials. There can be a lot of interesting things about what local government staff do all day.

For instance, there’s a routine report published each month from the Department of Community Development. One piece of information is a chart of building permits and inspections, updated monthly. Albemarle County Supervisors eventually get this information, but members of Charlottesville City Council do not. (read the report)

  • The monthly Finance Report has updates on what items and services are in procurement, something I would like to see in Albemarle and Charlottesville (read the report).
  • The monthly Fire and EMS report tracks both incidents as well as volunteer hours. This might be very useful in Albemarle County where a 3.2 percent increase in the real property tax rate is slated to go to cover the costs of hiring 57 firefighters initially funded through a federal grant. (read the report)
  • The Parks and Recreation department lists revenue from self-supporting programs as well as payments for child care services. There’s also an update on tourism efforts. A chatbot is now live this month on the tourism website. (read the report)
  • Twin Oaks is seeking a reissuance of a wastewater permit. This requires a public notice and the application is included in the meeting packet. A public comment period runs through April 7. (read the report)
Zoning inquiries are up sharply in Louisa County. What does this information tell us? (Credit: Louisa County)

Then there are public hearings.

The first is on the real estate tax rate for 2025. Last week I noted that Charlottesville had published their public notice for their tax rate, a public notice that requires publication of the “lowered tax rate” which is the number that would bring in the same amount of revenue as the current fiscal year. (read that story)

I’ve not yet written up Louisa’s budget, so here we start. The current real property tax rate is $0.72 per $100 of assessed value. Assessments in Louisa increased an average of 8.12 percent from 2024 to 2025. The lowered tax rate would be $0.666 which but no rate change is being proposed. That means the “effective tax rate increase” is $0.054. However, the proposed budget for FY26 is expected to be 6.3 percent less than FY25. The full proposed budget is not listed on the budget website. (read the resolution)

The second public hearing is for a conditional use permit for a construction yard at the intersection of Virginia Route 22 and U.S. Route 33 for On Demand Concrete. The Planning Commission recommended approval at their meeting on February 13, 2025. (staff report)

The third public hearing is for a conditional use permit for equipment sales for Amos Equipment Repair on U.S. 33 in the Jackson Election District. They are also seeking amendment of proffers. (staff report)

The fourth public hearing is for amendments to the solid waste chapter to add the term “commercial hauler” and to rename “household solid waste” to “residential waste.”

The new definition of residential waste (Credit: Louisa County)

Albemarle Supervisors to hold third budget work session

This is the week of budget town halls begin for Albemarle County’s budget. Before that happens, Albemarle Supervisors will have a third budget work session. This takes place in Room 241 of the county’s office building at 401 McIntire Road. (meeting info)

There have been two others, plus a public hearing. I’ve been unable to write up any of them but I have them recording, waiting for my time. I’ve only been able to write up a thorough story on introduction.

Over the years, American journalism moved away from writing details of local government. I lost a job in 2018 because I was told by a new boss that no one was interested in them. I think that was wrong then, and I think that is wrong now. I’ve devoted my life to this work.

This particular work session is on the schools budget and the capital improvement program.

I spend a lot of time reading the Charlottesville Daily Progress archives and this weekend came across a story from March 1950 about a delegation from Scottsville petitioning the Board of Supervisors. The Daily Progress has more or less given up on sustained coverage. It no longer fits their business model.

Sustained coverage is my business model.

I’m not giving up and neither should you. I need you to keep reading. I need you to ask questions. I need you to listen and try to understand.

It’s amazing how much information there was in the newspaper back in the old days. These new days? Not so much. Take a look here to go to this story.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Albemarle Budget Town Halls get underway

Albemarle County’s budget for FY2026 was introduced to the Board of Supervisors in late February. They’ve so far had two budget work sessions and a public hearing, which by my count is about eight hours of discussion. A third work session is scheduled for Monday afternoon. That’s another three hours. That means the elected officials have likely already provided some direction.

The first of several budget town halls will be be held at the Center at Belvedere from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. They will all follow the same exact format though the document is already in the midst of being transformed.

The meeting info page for this asks two questions:

  • Are you curious about what local government does and what services we provide?
  • Do you want to learn about the upcoming year’s budget priorities and how those decisions are made?

These will begin with an open house at 5:30 p.m. followed by a presentation from County Executive Jeffrey Richardson.

I appreciate efforts Albemarle County tries to make to inform and educate people, but at the end of the day democracy must have robust journalism that covers this information. What the meeting info page doesn’t give you is a list of other resources. For instance, you can find relevant documents from the work sessions at this link

Above I mentioned that the documents are already in the midst of being transformed. As they go through the document, Supervisors ask questions which are added to a list. I’ve not heard either work session yet but I have them recorded.

I can only do so much and never feel like I am doing enough. But I reserve the right to get cross at anyone who calls this stuff boring.

A slide from the first budget work session which can be downloaded here (Credit: Albemarle County)

Charlottesville panel on federal housing funds to meet

Recommendations on how to spend federal Community Development Block Grants go through a task force. That group meets at 6 p.m. in the S&P Annex on the 2nd Floor of 700 East Jefferson. (meeting info)

If I were attending (which I’m not) I would want to have some sense of what the future of CDBG funding is under a presidency that has taken upon itself to determine what will and will not be funded. The relevant webpage on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website has not been updated. (view the website)

I’d also want to know why so many projects are being reallocated. But I’m not a member of the panel, a panel that has three vacancies.

Last week, new HUD Secretary Scott Turner released a statement declaring that the City of Asheville’s disaster plan for funding will not be approved because the administration is ideologically opposed to content within it. The acronym DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion but is not often spelled out.

“Once again, let me be clear DEI is dead at HUD,” Turner said. “We will not provide funding to any program or grantee that does not comply with President Trump’s executive orders.”

The administration objected to this sentence in Asheville’s plan:

“Within the Small Business Support Program, the City will prioritize assistance for Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MWBE) within the scoring criteria outlined within the policies and procedures,” the release quotes the original Asheville plan.

This is not on the agenda for this task force, but it is clear that the administration will revoke funding for anything it ideologically opposes.

In other meetings:
  • The Nelson County Board of Supervisors will get introduced to their budget at a meeting that begins at 10 a.m. The calendar item does not specify where this will be. (go see)
  • The Albemarle County Department of Social Services Advisory Board meets. Where? About what? At publication, the calendar item literally says Details (optional).
  • The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meet at 1 p.m. in Lane Auditorium for the fourth budget work session. This is part of their regular meeting. As this is already very long, I’ll have more information in a future edition. (agenda)
  • Albemarle County’s Economic Development Authority will meet at 4 p.m. in Room 241 of the county’s office building at 401 McIntire Road. More information in Monday’s newsletter. (meeting info)
  • The Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review will have a work session at 5 p.m. where they will further discuss 1000 Wertland Street. They’ll also make a recommendation on a special use permit for a project at 400 Ridge Street. (meeting packet)
  • The Greene County Board of Supervisors will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Building in Stanardsville. Or is it 4:30 p.m.? Both times are listed. I am overdue for a story on the Greene County budget. Next edition but here is the link if you’ve not seen it yet. (meeting info)
  • The Fluvanna Board of Zoning Appeals will meet at 7 p.m. in the Morris Room of Fluvanna County Administration Building. On the agenda is a request for a variance from the minimum frontage of 500 feet for a lot frontage on a road to 421 feet. This is to enable a family subdivision. (meeting packet)
The subject property for the Fluvanna County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (Credit: Fluvanna County)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Public hearing before Fluvanna Supervisors on potential meals tax

The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors will meet at 5 p.m. in the Morris Room of the Fluvanna County Administration Building for a budget work session, followed by a regular meeting at 6 p.m. in the Circuit Courtroom of the Fluvanna County Courts Building. (meeting packet)

There are two presentations. The first is an update on the restoration of the courthouse and the other is on the fire training building. Neither has information available in advance.

There are five action items.

  • The first is an authorization for a future public hearing on an amendment to a previous rezoning to allow for a caretaker residence on Virginia Route 6. That was granted by the Board of Supervisors in 1983, but the mobile home that had been located there has been removed. The property owner needs to have the use reauthorized. (learn more)
  • The second is an authorization for a future public hearing for a temporary construction easement for the development of the Wawa convenience store. (learn more)
  • The third is an agreement for a $785,504.50 grant from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources for renovations to the courthouse. Fluvanna will contribute a $400,000 match. (learn more)
  • The fourth is to select a health care company for county employees in FY26. (learn more)
  • The fifth is to advertise the proposed budget for FY26 for public hearing on April 3, 2025. County Administrator Eric Dahl’s proposal for a real property tax rate was $0.74 per $100 of assessed value but the suggested advertisement is $0.75 per $100. That’s still a decrease over the current year. Learn more about the budget as it was introduced in this story. (learn more)
Someone was sent to see if there was still a mobile home on the land on Virginia Route 6 (Credit: Fluvanna County)

Then there are five public hearings.

  • The first is on an amendment to the Thomas Jefferson Solid Waste Management Plan related to coal ash deposits at the former Dominion Energy plant at Bremo Bluff. (learn more)
  • The second is on an amendment to the zoning code related to the definition of “day homes.” (learn more)
  • The third is on an amendment to the zoning code related to the definition of “front yard.” (learn more)
  • The fourth is on an amendment to the zoning code to remove a reference to a kind of outdoor lighting. (learn more)
  • The fifth is on whether Fluvanna should levy a food and beverage tax of up to six percent of a bill’s total. Supervisors agreed to pursue the idea back in January, as I wrote about at the time. (learn more)

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Greene County PC to hold public hearing on $111.12 million capital improvement plan

The Greene County Planning Commission meets at 6 p.m. in the County Meeting Room at 40 Celt Road in Stanardsville. There are two land use public hearings as well as one on the Capital Improvement Plan, as well as a work session on amending the rules for events at farm wineries and other agricultural operations. (agenda)

The first public hearing is for a special use permit for a home business at 144 Moore Road on land zoned Residential-1. The request is for a vehicle repair garage. (view presentation)

The second public hearing is also for a special use permit for a vehicle repair garage, this time at 1183 Ford Avenue. (view presentation)

The third is on the capital improvement program (CIP). Virginia localities have a chance to make recommendations, as Charlottesville’s did in January. I wrote about that in late January. I would very much like to write about Greene County’s PC, too. This might be the time I do. I know there’s at least one reader who would like me to be following the water supply discussion more closely.

The proposed CIP for the next five years totals $317,353,318 with $111,193,607 in fiscal year 2026. Of this, $103 million is slated for Greene Water and Sewer to move forward with the White Run Reservoir as well as other improvements. I’m out of date on this story but here’s one from October 2023 with the basic idea.

View the overall presentation here.

The work session is the third on efforts by the Supervisors to place restrictions on events at farm wineries.

“On July 1, 2014, the Code of Virginia was amended to limit a locality’s ability to regulate certain activities associated with bona fide agricultural operations and the operation of farm breweries and wineries,” reads the staff report

A reason this is interesting to me is that there are community members who are insisting that local officials have more power than they really do. These things usually end up in court. Until then, arguments are made in writing.

“Other counties in Virginia have faced serious challenges when local governments failed to establish clear, enforceable guidelines,” reads a letter from Preserve Rural Greene. “Without proper oversight, farm wineries, breweries, and agritourism events can grow beyond their intended scope, overwhelming rural communities with traffic noise, and infrastructure.”

The draft Greene County CIP has this piece of information about the water and sewer investments (Credit: Greene County)
In other meetings:
  • Charlottesville Housing Advisory Committee meets at noon for a meeting with a lot on it. This group receives no coverage from other information outlets. As this edition is already long, I’ll write up something longer in a newsletter early in the week. (meeting info)

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Board to meet

Ordinarily I’d put this in the section below, but the Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meets this week. Consider this blurb a gentle critique.

The location is now listed in the agenda. If you look at the list of upcoming meetings in CivicPlus, the address is 233 4th Street NW, SW, SE, or NE? That’s not listed, but a quick Internet search turns up it’s at the Jefferson School, which is where Carver Recreation Center is located.

When you look at the agenda itself, the first action item is a “support letter” but there is nothing to indicate what is being supported. Could it be that there’s a list of people who get the attachments via email? How does one get on that list?

Under information items, the first is a presentation on Architecture. What architecture? Where? The second is under Garden Rules. Which garden? What rules? Under three, CIP update. You and I may know what is, but acronyms should be avoided on first reference. Always. The fourth one is “Future Regular Meeting Location” which I suppose makes sense. Then there is an update on members as well as a budget update.

In a democracy, details matter. When details don’t matter, you stop being a democracy. Maybe we already did, a long time ago.

In other meetings:
  • The Albemarle Broadband Authority will meet at 5 p.m. in Room 246 of the county’s office building at 401 McIntire Road. (meeting info)
  • The second Albemarle Community Budget Town Hall will be held at Monticello High School and there are childcare options as well as a live stream. This will be held after the fourth budget work session, but will feature the same presentation as the first one. (meeting info)
  • Charlottesville City Council will have a budget public hearing in CitySpace at 6 p.m. But… how can they do that before the tax rate public hearing which was postponed? I’ll dig into this. I’ve got two budget work sessions to go through. Other journalists have given up on covering this stuff in detail. I’m too stubborn to quit. (meeting info)
  • The Nelson County Board of Supervisors will have a joint meeting with the Nelson School Board beginning at 6 p.m. The calendar item does not specify where this will be. (go see)

This post was contributed by Sean Tubbs. Sean is a journalist working to build a new information and news outlet centered around Charlottesville and Virginia. In 2020, he launched a daily newscast and newsletter and also created a semi-regular podcast on the pandemic.

Support for Sean’s “Week Ahead” update comes from The Piedmont Environmental Council.