The following text was sent out via email on February 21, 2023. Sign up for PEC email alerts →

Dear Supporter,
As Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update process enters Phase 2: Goals, Objectives, and Planning Toolkits, the County needs to hear from you. The AC44 Phase Two survey is live now until Friday, March 10 at 6 p.m.
The County describes the Comprehensive Plan as “a guiding document for growth, development, and investment in Albemarle County. The Plan has recommendations for how and where the County should grow; supporting local businesses and industry, protecting and enhancing natural resources, providing transportation options for walking, biking, taking transit, and driving, and allowing and encouraging a variety of housing types.” The plan will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2024.
The new questionnaire is designed to help the County’s planning team better understand community needs and priorities regarding:
- Land Use (including priorities for the Rural Area and Development Areas)
- Natural, Historic, Scenic, and Cultural Resources
- Community Facilities
- Economic Development
- Housing
- Transportation
- Parks and Recreation
Submit your feedback by March 10
Completing the survey is an important way to share how you think Albemarle County should move forward over the next two decades. Much is at stake, including how we will address climate change, protect natural, cultural, and scenic resources, ensure a healthy and vibrant quality of life in the rural and urban areas, and a thriving economy for all.
Though some questions may seem overwhelming or puzzling, and there are multiple pages, we kindly ask you to persevere and complete the questionnaire to the best of your abilities. You don’t need to answer every question but any feedback collected will likely have an outsized impact on future decisions regarding the Comprehensive Plan.
Promoting rural land conservation and advocating for thriving, well-connected urban areas with plenty of access to the outdoors is central to PEC’s work — it doesn’t happen by accident. We encourage you to share your perspectives on smart growth and natural resource protection through all the modes made available in this survey, particularly the open answer questions. We also hope you will share the link with friends and neighbors so more voices are heard.
Please note that registering for an account is not required, but will allow your responses to be saved for later if you’re unable to complete the questionnaire in a single session. Just be sure to hit submit by 6 p.m. on Friday, March 10.
On behalf of PEC, thank you, and I encourage you to learn more and get involved with the entire Comprehensive Plan update process by visiting
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out!
Rob McGinnis PLA FASLA
Senior Land Use Field Representative
Albemarle County and Greene County