Update: On January 20, the application was denied by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors after a 3-3 vote (Opposed: Mallek, Palmer, and Price)

Local developer, Southern Development, requested a rezoning (Rural Area to R-4) for 84-acres along Route 250 in the Village of Rivanna. PEC recommended denial of this application, due to the density’s nonconformance with the Comprehensive Plan and Village of Rivanna Master Plan, transportation impacts to Route 250, and carbon emissions associated with the increased transportation resulting from a higher density than recommended.
PEC Planning Commission Public Comments
More Information
The original submission (May 2019) requested 160 units; however, the applicant reduced the overall units to 130, after having public meetings with the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission throughout 2020. The Village of Rivanna Master plan recommended an overall density of 1 units/acre for this area; and the applicant requested 1.5 units/acre gross and 2 units/acre net. The Albemarle County staff recommended denial for this project, stating that “…the applicant has addressed a number of concerns identified and raised by staff, members of the community, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors. However, staff’s prior recommendation has not changed. Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution to disapprove ZMA201900004 Breezy Hill (Attachment G).
The updated application was heard by the Planning Commission on November 24, 2020, and was unanimously recommended for denial (7-0) by the Planning Commission. Subsequently, the applicant included an updated proffer condition, including 200 kilowatts of rooftop solar panels.
The Board of Supervisors voted (3-3) upon the rezoning during their January 20, 2021 meeting, resulting in a denial. Supervisors Gallaway, LePisto-Kirtley, and McKeel voted for approval; and Supervisors Mallek, Palmer, and Price were opposed.
Questions? Contact Chris Hawk at chawk@pecva.org.