The year 2021 brought another excellent edition of PEC’s Photo Contest with the strongest set of entries to date! Thank you to everyone who participated.
All of the photos were taken in one of the following counties across the Virginia Piedmont—Albemarle, Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, or Rappahannock.
So without further ado, here are the winning photos selected by popular vote in each of the four categories: Beautiful Landscapes, Native Plants and Wildlife, People and Places, and the Youth Category:
Winner in Beautiful Landscapes: “Glow Rime Glow” by Nick Palastro

Winner in Native Plants and Wildlife: “Short Eared Owl Eye Contact” by Matthew Huntley

Winner in People and Places: “A Walk in the Garden” by Bill Shaw

Winner in the Youth Category: “Under my Wing” by Margreta Grady

2021 Finalists
Entries to our photo contest help us build a collection of photographs that enables PEC to tell the visual stories of the Virginia Piedmont. Thank you so much for joining in as a participant, a voter or an admirer!
We also want to give a big shout-out and thank you to our guest judges, local professional photographers Ken Garrett and Callie Broaddus, who helped us select the finalists.
If you missed out on this year’s contest, visit to learn more. We look forward to seeing more great submissions next year!