The Piedmont View

View articles published in our quarterly membership newsletter, The Piedmont View. To become a PEC member or renew your existing membership, visit our donations page today!

To access PDFs of prior editions, view the Piedmont View archive.

man presents in front of a auditorium

President’s Letter: The Fight is Worth It

Thanks to all for their work, day and night, to engage and mobilize our communities to fight for something better. It’s worth it …
Inspiring Conservation

Inspiring Conservation

PEC’s annual meeting inspires many in Charlottesville …
Wilderness Lost?

Wilderness Lost?

Industrialization marches into Orange County, threatening historic battlefield and landscapes along Route 3 …
Partnership for the Ages

Partnership for the Ages

The Hellmanns are glad to know that their corner of the world will remain intact — a place where generations to come can enjoy the native wildflowers alongside Bear Trail, the hardwoods they plan to …
a large solar canopy on a parking lot on a college campus with blue sky above

In the Driver’s Seat on Parking Lot Solar

Since Virginia is still at the beginning of its energy transition, now is the perfect time to rebuild our energy system in a way that is just and fair to all Virginia residents and ratepayers …
Summer 2024 Piedmont View

Summer 2024 Piedmont View

In this issue: How PEC is pioneering a parking lot solar pilot program in the Commonwealth; PEC’s field staff On The Ground in your county; Solarize Piedmont; upcoming events; and more! …
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aerial view of the community farm, a few acres of cropland surrounded by green space and buffered by trees and a roundabout

Bridging the Urban/Rural Divide

From my perspective over at Gilberts Corner, I can look in either direction and see these two very different, but interdependent worlds …
Four staff stand in front of the Virginia State Capitol building and lawn.

President’s Letter: While There Is Still Time

For more than 50 years, PEC has advocated that local governments, state agencies and communities plan together for long-term sustainability with a thoughtful balance between development and conservation …
| | The Piedmont View
Introducing PEC’s New Board Chair and Leadership Team

Introducing PEC’s New Board Chair and Leadership Team

Jean Perin and George Ohrstrom led The Piedmont Environmental Council, as board co-chairs, with great humility, care and passion for 10 years. In January, they turned the reins over to David Aldrich and a new …
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