Search Results for: solar

On the Ground Updates – June 2021

…the proposed changes should build upon the existing ordinances that require environmental protections. Culpeper Maroon Solar The Board of Supervisors voted to deny a conditional use permit for the 1,700-acre Maroon Solar proposal near Racoon Ford. PEC opposed this project…

On the Ground Updates – June 2024

On the Ground Updates – June 2024

…later. The Board of Supervisors tabled the Planning Commission’s proposed common sense guidelines for siting and decommissioning solar facilities, in favor of a zoning amendment that would prohibit community solar and utility-scale solar countywide. PEC is opposed to such a…

On the Ground – Winter 2019

…part of a Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund license plate grant that will help them purchase stream monitoring equipment and incorporate stream monitoring into their curriculum.  Culpeper  Utility-Scale Solar  Subsequent to the withdrawal of the Cricket Solar, LLC application in August,…

On the Ground Updates – September 2020

On the Ground Updates – September 2020

…report a sighting, call Virginia Cooperative Extension at 560-665-5699. Culpeper Utility-Scale Solar Applications and Policy Update Greenwood Solar, a utility-scale solar application approved by the Board of Supervisors on Oct 2, 2018, is approaching its deadline (Oct 2, 2020) for…

On the Ground — Winter 2018

On the Ground — Winter 2018

…keep it cleaner and safer. The plan includes stronger septic protections, additional monitoring and data collection and a well water testing program. Culpeper A Finger on the Scale for Solar Over the last couple of issues, we have provided updates…

On the Ground Updates – September 2021

…is participating in workgroup discussions to advocate for groundwater protection and consideration for soils and geologic conditions. Culpeper Solar Ordinance After lengthy discussion, the planning commission is expected to finalize a draft utility-scale solar ordinance for board of supervisors consideration….