Strong Communities

A thoughtful approach to land use planning, paired with decision-making that balances growth and development with natural and cultural resource protection, is vital to maintaining a healthy and vibrant Piedmont region.

Community Events Help Us Think about Issues in New Ways

Community Events Help Us Think about Issues in New Ways

One of my favorite things about being a community planner is going to events and having conversations with people in informal settings, close to where they live. These gatherings tend to be a lot of …
Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

I’m writing today to share some good news, some hopeful developments in our continued fight against the relentless industrialization of Culpeper by the data center industry, and an invitation to our ongoing lecture series at …
bikers on green bike path

Bike Month 2024 Recap

Bike Month 2024 was a success with dozens of group rides, educational opportunities and bike visibility events throughout May …
aerial photo of fields, trees and large pond with mountains and sunset in background

New data center proposals in Brandy Station and near the Town of Culpeper

We are urging Culpeper residents to weigh in at upcoming public hearings on June 4 and 12 or via email and ask that each proposal be denied …
Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Don’t miss these important public hearings and our June 11 event on new transmission proposals …
Wilderness Battlefield Area, Threats and the Data Center Industry

Wilderness Battlefield Area, Threats and the Data Center Industry

Wilderness Battlefield’s inclusion on this list underscores the inextricable link between natural, historic and cultural resources …
The Germanna Ford Boat Launch is Open!

The Germanna Ford Boat Launch is Open!

A new public boat launch on the Rapidan River is now open to visitors at Historic Germanna in Orange County …
Additional Information: Belmont Innovation Campus Rezoning

Additional Information: Belmont Innovation Campus Rezoning

Often, data center rezoning applications that come before the Board of Supervisors are, in fact, not submitted by data center developers like Meta, Amazon Web Services, etc. Rather, many rezonings are at the request of …
Additional Information: Prime Soils Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Additional Information: Prime Soils Zoning Ordinance Amendment

How will the ZOAM impact me? The Board of Supervisors has made it very clear that the ZOAM would not reduce – or downzone – the overall density allowable under Cluster Subdivision regulations. As such, …