Data Centers & Energy Demand

Virginia is undergoing a massive economic, technological, and environmental transformation, all centered around the activities of one industry: data centers.

The explosive growth of the data center industry represents a major challenge to achieving a clean energy future in Virginia. Data center development in Northern Virginia has been accelerating for years, with a higher concentration in Loudoun County than anywhere else in the world. As of late 2022, data centers accounted for 21% of Dominion Energy’s electricity sales [pg 26] in Virginia. In fact, data centers represent the only growing sector [pg 5] of electricity demand in Virginia, and that demand growth is projected to more than double peak load by 2040 [pg 28]. 

Disturbingly, Dominion’s Integrated Resource Plan filed in 2023 points to higher-than-anticipated load growth from data centers as the rationale for leaving in place existing fossil-fuel generation and pursuing an “all of the above” energy strategy moving forward.

screenshot of data center web map

Existing and Proposed Data Centers – A Web Map

How many data centers currently exist in Virginia? How many proposals are in the works? These are very good questions …
Initial Transmission Proposals - PEC Web Map

Initial Transmission Proposals – PEC Web Map

Transmission line proposals to serve the explosive growth of data centers in Virginia over the past few years have begun …

Virginia’s current approach is unsustainable.

The sheer number and scale of Virginia data center proposals and the accumulation of so many data centers in such a relatively small area has led to a severely constrained electric grid and increased reliance on polluting backup diesel generators. As new data centers go in and Dominion Energy builds out the grid to accommodate the likes of Amazon Web Services and others in the industry, local residents and communities are left wondering: who is going to foot the bill and what are the implications for our air quality, climate goals, water resources, health and the environment?

While many data centers make clean energy and sustainability commitments, there is no way to clearly evaluate these claims due to non-disclosure agreements and general secrecy around the industry. What we do know is this: increasingly, the public is being asked to subsidize new transmission infrastructure and compromise on Virginia’s clean energy and conservation goals in order to meet the massive electricity demand caused by one private industry.

aerial view of a huge boxy building next to a 6 lane road

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission Authorizes Data Center Study

On Dec. 11, 2023, the Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission passed a resolution authorizing a robust study into …
Power Surge: Data center boom leads to expansive transmission proposals

Power Surge: Data center boom leads to expansive transmission proposals

We must address the booming data center growth in our state that is requiring unprecedented expansions of our energy grid …

It’s time to push back and ask tough questions.

Please use this letter to ask your elected officials in the Virginia General Assembly to address data center impacts. View data center legislation from 2024

Wilderness Lost?

Wilderness Lost?

Industrialization marches into Orange County, threatening historic battlefield and landscapes along Route 3 …
Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

I’m writing today to share some good news, some hopeful developments in our continued fight against the relentless industrialization of Culpeper by the data center industry, and an invitation to our ongoing lecture series at …
Resources from the Loudoun Community Meeting on Transmission Lines – June 11, 2024

Resources from the Loudoun Community Meeting on Transmission Lines – June 11, 2024

More than 200 people joined us on June 11 for our Community Meeting on Transmission Lines at Heritage High School to learn about transmission line proliferation in Loudoun County resulting from the data center explosion …
aerial photo of fields, trees and large pond with mountains and sunset in background

New data center proposals in Brandy Station and near the Town of Culpeper

We are urging Culpeper residents to weigh in at upcoming public hearings on June 4 and 12 or via email and ask that each proposal be denied …
Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Don’t miss these important public hearings and our June 11 event on new transmission proposals …
Tell DOE: No Mid-Atlantic National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor

Tell DOE: No Mid-Atlantic National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor

Action is needed by June 24, 2024, on a newly proposed and highly impactful federal transmission designation that would overstep state authority for transmission siting …
Wilderness Battlefield Area, Threats and the Data Center Industry

Wilderness Battlefield Area, Threats and the Data Center Industry

Wilderness Battlefield’s inclusion on this list underscores the inextricable link between natural, historic and cultural resources …
Resources from the Bealeton Community Meeting  on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – April 29, 2024

Resources from the Bealeton Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – April 29, 2024

More than 70 people joined us on April 29 for a Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers at Liberty High School. We were encouraged to see so many folks from the community invested …
sunrise over fog and grassy field, surrounded by trees

Imperiled by Development, Wilderness Battlefield Named One of Nation’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places

Wilderness Battlefield, site of a pivotal clash that marked a turning point in the Civil War, was named one of the nation’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places due to the threat of a massive data …
large boxy data center with cooling equipment on the roof

Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act

The human and environmental costs of the data center industry are only predicted to worsen with the rise of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence applications. That’s why we’re supporting a new congressional bill, the Artificial Intelligence …