Energy Matters

PEC is working to support an energy system that is smarter, more efficient and better accounts for the negative externalities arising from the choices we make about energy consumption, generation, transmission and distribution.

We are advocating for a more distributed system that is less reliant on distant generating sources and incorporates a mix of local renewable power — customer owned, community based and utility scale. Recognizing Virginia is in the early stages of its energy transition, we believe now is the time to reimagine and rebuild our energy system in a way that is just and fair to all residents and ratepayers.

Hidden Costs of the Cloud: Data Centers in Virginia

Data Centers & Energy Demand

Virginia is undergoing a massive economic, technological, and environmental transformation, all centered around the activities of one industry: data centers …
Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Be a part of the energy solution—find out how you can participate in reducing demand. Learn about 10 easy, do-it-yourself …
solar panel banner image

Solarize Piedmont

For a limited time each year, residents and businesses within PEC’s nine-county service area can take advantage of Solarize Piedmont …
Wilderness Lost?

Wilderness Lost?

Industrialization marches into Orange County, threatening historic battlefield and landscapes along Route 3 …
Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

Update on Data Centers in Culpeper and Invite to Upcoming Rooftop Solar Lecture

I’m writing today to share some good news, some hopeful developments in our continued fight against the relentless industrialization of Culpeper by the data center industry, and an invitation to our ongoing lecture series at …
Resources from the Loudoun Community Meeting on Transmission Lines – June 11, 2024

Resources from the Loudoun Community Meeting on Transmission Lines – June 11, 2024

More than 200 people joined us on June 11 for our Community Meeting on Transmission Lines at Heritage High School to learn about transmission line proliferation in Loudoun County resulting from the data center explosion …
a large solar canopy on a parking lot on a college campus with blue sky above

In the Driver’s Seat on Parking Lot Solar

Since Virginia is still at the beginning of its energy transition, now is the perfect time to rebuild our energy system in a way that is just and fair to all Virginia residents and ratepayers …
Action Needed: New transmission line designation threatens Virginia communities

Action Needed: New transmission line designation threatens Virginia communities

Tell the U.S. Department of Energy that fueling skyrocketing data center energy demand with coal-fired power plants is not an acceptable solution …
Thinking about Solar for Your Home?

Thinking about Solar for Your Home?

By investing in rooftop solar for your home, you can save money, protect yourself from rising utility rates and, when paired with a backup battery, create “off the grid” energy independence …
solar panels on a home rooftop

Rooftop Solar Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

All your questions about going solar, answered …
aerial photo of fields, trees and large pond with mountains and sunset in background

New data center proposals in Brandy Station and near the Town of Culpeper

We are urging Culpeper residents to weigh in at upcoming public hearings on June 4 and 12 or via email and ask that each proposal be denied …
Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Upcoming Meetings: Data Centers, Transmission Lines

Don’t miss these important public hearings and our June 11 event on new transmission proposals …
Tell DOE: No Mid-Atlantic National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor

Tell DOE: No Mid-Atlantic National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor

Action is needed by June 24, 2024, on a newly proposed and highly impactful federal transmission designation that would overstep state authority for transmission siting …