Citizen input in planning for Loudoun’s future is critical—particularly when some are pushing for more residential development at a faster pace than the county and general public have planned for.
Transportation Changes Proposed on Rt. 50
We are concerned about the potential negative impacts from a Route 50 safety and operations study. We encourage you to continue a legacy of Piedmont activism and attend the public meeting on Feb. 3 …
Tell Congress: Support the Artificial Intelligence Environmental Impacts Act
The human and environmental costs of the data center industry are only predicted to worsen with the rise of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence applications. That’s why we’re supporting a new congressional bill, the Artificial Intelligence …
April 10 Public Hearing: Prime Ag Soils, Belmont Data Center Rezoning
On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 the Loudoun Board of Supervisors will vote on the Prime Agricultural Soils and Cluster Subdivisions Ordinance Amendment and the Belmont Innovation Campus rezoning …
Wednesday’s historic data center denial in Loudoun
As you may have seen in the local news, on Wednesday evening the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted 5-4 to deny the Belmont Innovation Campus rezoning application …
Data Centers in Loudoun: Free Webinar March 4; Critical Public Hearing March 13
Loudoun County is known as the “data center capital of the world” for good reason: there are more data centers here than in any other single jurisdiction across the globe …
Resources from the Purcellville Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – Jan. 22, 2024
On Monday, Jan. 22, we hosted a community meeting on data centers and energy infrastructure in Purcellville. It was great to have more than 170 people join us at Woodgrove High School to learn more …
The Mountains Are Calling (You to Action!)
As part of its Zoning Ordinance rewrite process, Loudoun County is proposing updates to the Mountainside Overlay District (MOD), which regulates development on the mountainsides …
Metro Silver Line Extension Opens in Loudoun County
Metro’s six new Silver Line stops opened this week, including service to Dulles Airport and Loudoun County. This once-in-a-generation investment enables a more sustainable future in the D.C. region and Virginia …
County seeks public input on latest draft Zoning Ordinance
A new draft of Loudoun’s Zoning Ordinance is ready for public review …
Loudoun County is Updating Its Zoning Ordinance
The zoning ordinance is a key document that regulates how development must occur to implement the vision outlined in the Comprehensive Plan …