Protecting The Land You Love Forever
Landowners who willingly donate conservation easements are making a difference in their communities. An easement will protect the land you love forever, preserving farmland, forestland, wildlife habitat, streams, open space, and scenic vistas. Along with protecting these public benefits and important natural resources, landowners who donate an easement are ensuring that their properties will remain open space. This means that local taxpayers will never have to pay for the expensive public services a new residential development would have demanded – services such as schools, roads, police, fire, and rescue. In addition, an easement donation can motivate a landowner’s neighbors to do the same, ultimately leading to the protection of larger landscapes in the local community and county.
By donating a conservation easement, a landowner may be eligible for income and property tax benefits due to the significant public benefit associated with the protection of the land. Tax benefits will be based on the difference between the market value of the land before the donation and after the conservation easement is in place. These values are determined by a qualified appraiser of the landowner’s choice.