Our Community Farm at Roundabout Meadows ushered in its third growing season this spring and welcomed hundreds of volunteers through its gates. As we all continue to grapple with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Community Farm has served as an inspiring gathering place for community members to enjoy nature, give back and socialize with neighbors (in a safe manner!).
Working Farms & Food
Farmland and forests produce the necessities of life and provide essential natural services. In PEC’s nine county area, over 180,000 acres of farmland and 140,000 acres of forests are protected through private, voluntary land conservation.
PEC Study Seeks to Aid Local Meat Processors and Farmers
Aided by Virginia’s northern Piedmont climate, pasture conditions, and open space, raising beef cattle has become one of the region’s dominant agricultural land uses. Cattle farming contributes enormously to the local economy, quality of life and vitality of all the region’s communities, and the growing retail market for beef may even represent one of the best models for sustaining the success of the area’s small farms. Over the past year, that market has been simultaneously enhanced and challenged by pandemic-related supply problems.
Conservation Outcomes from a Speedy Special Session
Well, that was fast! Less than two weeks after gaveling in on Monday, Aug. 2, the Virginia General Assembly concluded its special session on Tuesday, Aug. 10.
New skilled meat cutter training program will help region’s meat processors serve Virginia cattle farmers
A recent study by The Piedmont Environmental Council and American Farmland Trust, spurred by pandemic-related breakdowns in national and local food supply systems, has led to the development of a new meat-cutter training program to be offered by the Rappahannock Center for Education beginning late fall 2021. Using a national training model, the program is intended to help local meat processors expand their operations and increase their capacity to serve the region’s cattle farmers by building a larger pool of available skilled laborers in the field.
Order Seeds for Your Garden
Planning your garden for this year? Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, located in Louisa, is once again donating 30% of the sales of certain seed packages to support PEC’s Buy Fresh Buy Local program. And this year they have added a pollinator mix!
Community-based Partnerships Take Root & Grow in Loudoun County
The Piedmont Environmental Council is proudly working with multiple community partners to support local farms and farmers, create more public access to outdoor spaces, and support the county’s food insecure population. Some of these initiatives were inspired or amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic, while others continue to advance PEC’s core mission of protecting and promoting the Piedmont’s natural resources, rural economy, history and beauty.
Buy Fresh Buy Local Northern Piedmont guides connect consumers with local food and farms
With the spring growing season upon the Virginia Piedmont, The Piedmont Environmental Council is pleased to announce the release of its 2021-2022 Buy Fresh Buy Local guides for each of PEC’s three Buy Fresh Buy Local Chapters.
Webinar: Quarterly Keynote Feat. DC Central Kitchen CEO Mike Curtin
In March 2021, PEC hosted its first ever Quarterly Keynote with Mike Curtin from DC Central Kitchen.
Spring Update from the Community Farm
Our third season is underway with more than 12,000 seedlings in the greenhouse.
We Hope You Can Join Us
I’d like to take a minute this week to highlight three upcoming events geared towards PEC members and supporters.
- Thurs, March 11: Go Native!
- Tues, March 30: PEC Quarterly Keynote featuring Mike Curtin (CEO of DC Central Kitchen)
- Thurs, April 29: Brook Trout: Gems of the Piedmont
March is our Membership Month, a time of year when we celebrate our current members and encourage others to join or renew! Learn more and sign up to attend!