
The Piedmont Environmental Council has some experience dealing with Dominion and transmission line proposals through our region. In 2006 and 2008, utilities proposed two unnecessary high-voltage transmission lines that would connect to the oldest and dirtiest coal-fired generation in the United States. Learn more about the TrAIL line (approved and built) and the PATH line (turned down). More recently, a series of projects has been proposed, each with its own set of details and impacts.

Data Center Proposed in Historic Stevensburg

I am reaching out to you today about a proposal to rezone nearly 250 acres of agricultural land to light industrial in order to allow the construction of a massive 427,000 square foot data center (2x the size of the Walmart Supercenter) along Route 3 in the historic Stevensburg area.

Hearing Examiner Issues Report on Remington-Gordonsville Line

Hearing Examiner Issues Report on Remington-Gordonsville Line

The State Corporation Commission Hearing Examiner has released her report on Dominion’s proposed Remington-Gordonsville 230-kV transmission line upgrade. In it, it states:

“In response to public concern and the testimony of the Commission Staff (“Staff’), the Company evaluated the potential use of shorter H-frame structures with an average height of 85 feet (“Shorter Structure Option”) where feasible along portions of the route. The Shorter Structure Option would require expansion of the right-of-way to 140 feet to accommodate the shorter structures. The Company concluded that it is technically feasible and may be reasonable to install the Shorter Structure Option for portions of the right-of-way where there are not constraints subject to four conditions. The Shorter Structure Option is feasible for 24.1 miles of the route.

11/20/15: Update on Warrenton-Wheeler Transmission Line Case

For those of you following the Warrenton-Wheeler transmission line, we have some good news. The Hearing Examiner has recommend the “C” route, which was Dominion’s (and our) preferred route, and the route that required the smallest amount of new right-of-way.

The hearing examiner turned down the SCC staff route recommendation, known as “Option A” which would have required a line straight across undeveloped parts of Fauquier County.

Great quote: “This attempt fails because its witness makes assertions unsupported by knowledge or analysis”.

We’ve posted the Examiner’s full report – Part I and Part II.

Background on Warrenton-Wheeler-Gainesville

Dominion and Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) are pursuing a new 230kV transmission line through Prince William County and Fauquier, stating current or future reliability issues associated with the Warrenton Substation in Fauquier County, and the Wheeler and Gainesville Substations in Prince William County, as the reason for the project.