Data Centers

Regional traffic congestion, pollution in the Occoquan?

Regional traffic congestion, pollution in the Occoquan?

Last November, PEC wrote about the threats posed to Prince William County’s long-standing Rural Crescent by three major land use decisions.

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County is evaluating three different land use changes that would introduce industrial and residential sprawl into the Rural Crescent, to the detriment of water quality, wildlife habitat, agriculture, historic resources, tourism and the rural atmosphere.

Data Center Proposed in Historic Stevensburg

I am reaching out to you today about a proposal to rezone nearly 250 acres of agricultural land to light industrial in order to allow the construction of a massive 427,000 square foot data center (2x the size of the Walmart Supercenter) along Route 3 in the historic Stevensburg area.

National Parks, Rural Prince William Under Threat

National Parks, Rural Prince William Under Threat

As PEC’s deputy director of land use, I am writing to let you know about several local issues that have both regional and national implications. Put simply, the rural area of Prince William County, also known as the “Rural Crescent,” is under threat. Three different proposals are being considered, each unique in scope, but together represent the urbanization and industrialization of the remaining rural lands in Prince William County.

Why True North Data is Worse than Current Zoning

Why True North Data is Worse than Current Zoning

Last week I wrote a post about Public Drinking Water Supply and the Loudoun Transition Area, but this time, I want to drill down into a specific development proposal that would impact water quality: the True North Data center application. This rezoning, just upstream of the Goose Creek reservoir, would place a highly impervious use in the same subwatershed as the public water intake.