Planning and Zoning

PEC believes in smart growth planning and decision-making that enhances communities, reduces vehicle miles traveled, and protects natural, cultural and historic resources.

Albemarle Completes Land Use Buildout Analysis

Albemarle Completes Land Use Buildout Analysis

As PEC wrote in April, Albemarle County is in the midst of updating its Comprehensive Plan (known as AC 44). The first part of this process is a review of the County’s current Growth Management Policy. This step will investigate how the currently designated Development Areas could support future growth and if changes are needed.

Regional traffic congestion, pollution in the Occoquan?

Regional traffic congestion, pollution in the Occoquan?

Last November, PEC wrote about the threats posed to Prince William County’s long-standing Rural Crescent by three major land use decisions.

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County Considers Land Use Changes That Encourage Sprawl

Prince William County is evaluating three different land use changes that would introduce industrial and residential sprawl into the Rural Crescent, to the detriment of water quality, wildlife habitat, agriculture, historic resources, tourism and the rural atmosphere.

Loudoun Update – Rt. 15 North & Zoning Ordinance

Loudoun Update – Rt. 15 North & Zoning Ordinance

This Wednesday, May 11 at 6 p.m., the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing about the related Route 15 North Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which calls for:

  • Widening the road to four lanes between Montresor Road and the village of Lucketts,
  • Building a bypass (on one side or the other) around Lucketts
  • Adding a median to the two-lane section of Route 15 north of the village to St. Clair Lane. 

Data Center Proposed in Historic Stevensburg

I am reaching out to you today about a proposal to rezone nearly 250 acres of agricultural land to light industrial in order to allow the construction of a massive 427,000 square foot data center (2x the size of the Walmart Supercenter) along Route 3 in the historic Stevensburg area.

Wilderness Crossing: New Residential Development or Potential Superfund Site?

Wilderness Crossing: New Residential Development or Potential Superfund Site?

In November 2021, PEC learned that of the five formally-named gold mine sites located on the proposed Wilderness Crossing residential development, none of them have been closed and cleaned up – a process called “reclamation.”

Your input needed on planning efforts in Albemarle and Charlottesville

Your input needed on planning efforts in Albemarle and Charlottesville

Charlottesville and Albemarle are in the midst of major planning efforts, and both are thinking about their capital budgets, which is a big part of how those plans get implemented. At this time, the two localities seem to be heading in different directions when it comes to quality-of-life infrastructure.