A series of short updates from around the PEC region.
Strong Communities
PEC believes that the work of protecting natural resources and the work of building better communities are integral to each other.
Conserving a Cultural Crossroads
On Oct. 27, 2023, Historic Germanna’s executive director, Jennifer Hurst Wender, and board president, Keith Hoffman, signed a perpetual open-space easement on Siegen Forest.
Data Centers in Loudoun: Free Webinar March 4; Critical Public Hearing March 13
Loudoun County is known as the “data center capital of the world” for good reason: there are more data centers here than in any other single jurisdiction across the globe.
Take Action: Protect Local Government Accountability
We need your help opposing House Bill 1459 (Owen), which will be voted on by the full Counties, Cities and Towns Committee this Friday morning at 9 a.m.
Three Advocacy Priorities That Need Your Attention
Since the General Assembly began its 2024 session, the newly-opened General Assembly office building and the Capitol have seen frenetic activity, day in and day out. Many bills that were introduced in January have now seen numerous amendments and text changes, with some being passed over and others being voted out of committee and onto the House or Senate floor for action.
PEC lawsuit confirms abuse of FOIA by Orange County for the benefit of Amazon
The Virginia FOIA lawsuit that PEC filed against Orange County in October concluded last month with officials turning over the requested documents, thus avoiding a hearing in court.
Resources from the Purcellville Community Meeting on Transmission Lines and Data Centers – Jan. 22, 2024
On Monday, Jan. 22, we hosted a community meeting on data centers and energy infrastructure in Purcellville. It was great to have more than 170 people join us at Woodgrove High School to learn more about these important issues, ask questions and share concerns.
Video: “The Hidden Costs of the Cloud: Data Centers in Virginia”
Virginia is undergoing an unprecedented economic, technological, and environmental transformation, all centered around the activities of one industry: data centers.
On The Ground Updates – December 2023
A series of short land use and conservation updates from around the PEC region.
Power Surge: Data center boom leads to expansive transmission proposals
We must address the booming data center growth in our state that is requiring unprecedented expansions of our energy grid and hindering our ability to get off of fossil fuels.