Albemarle Climate Action

Planning Updates: Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville

Planning Updates: Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville

Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville are considering significant changes to land use planning and related policies, including a new comprehensive plan for the County and a new zoning ordinance for the City. We encourage you to participate in the public input and debate that will occur over the next few months and into 2023.

Albemarle Climate Action Videos

Albemarle Climate Action Videos

The following video interviews with local residents and experts will introduce you to the #ClimateConversation happening in Albemarle and arm you with the knowledge you need to take action in your community.

Briefing Paper: Resources for Climate Action Planning in Albemarle County

Briefing Paper: Resources for Climate Action Planning in Albemarle County

This climate action planning brief was prepared for The Piedmont Environmental Council Albemarle County board and represents insights provided by a variety of resource specialists. The goal of the paper is to provide context for climate change in Albemarle County, as well as to establish a common vocabulary and highlight specific strategic areas, such as forest and farms, with potential to inspire successful adaptation strategies.