
Below, please find videos made or hosted by The Piedmont Environmental Council.

For a complete listing of our latest video products, visit PEC’s youtube channel>>

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Video: Fish Surveys with Virginia DWR

PEC teamed up with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources to monitor the health of aquatic communities at two of our habitat restoration sights in Rappahannock County: Bolton Branch and Piney River!

Video: Orvis Giveback Days for Bolton Branch

Video: Orvis Giveback Days for Bolton Branch

In May, The Piedmont Environmental Council teamed up with Orvis to raise money to restore two miles of brook trout stream habitat on Bolton Branch in Rappahannock County.

Video: Documenting Fauquier’s Forgotten History

Video: Documenting Fauquier’s Forgotten History

In 1860, free and enslaved African Americans made up half of Fauquier County’s entire population. After the Civil War, Black communities like Morgantown, two miles south of Marshall, that grew out of emancipation held powerful meaning as community centers where African Americans could freely worship, conduct commerce, obtain education and own land.

Video: Free Flow

Video: Free Flow

A must-watch!! We’re so excited to bring you this video about our largest trout stream restoration project to date, on Bolton Branch in Rappahannock County on the border of Shenandoah National Park.