A look at some popular myths about Fauquier County’s land use, growth, taxes and development. From ‘Fauquier County is no growth’ to ‘Land with a conservation easement limits farming’…
Special Edition – Fauquier County
This Special Edition of the Piedmont View was published in Fauquier County during the spring of 2015. It includes Fauquier MythBusters, quotes from Fauquier residents, tales of conservation successes and maps of Fauquier resources. You can read individual articles online or view a PDF for the entire issue, if you prefer.

Conservation at Work
5 conservation stories from around Fauquier County, including Cool Lawn Farm, Environmental Studies on the Piedmont, Hopefield, Rappahannock Station and Hunger Run Farm:

Talking Taxes and Growth
Over the past year, there has been a heated discussion of issues tied to growth and taxes in Fauquier County, both in the local papers and in casual conversation. In these discussions a host of terms are often used without definition. So here’s a short list of some taxes and concepts that every resident of Fauquier County should know when talking growth and taxes:

Fauquier’s PDR program helps working farms
Fauquier’s Purchase of Development Rights program pays landowners of agricultural operations to limit the development potential of their land through a conservation easement. Unlike a donated conservation easement, the PDR program pays farmers a flat rate of $25,000 per development right they wish to extinguish.