Madison County

PEC’s Madison County office supports our land use and land conservation activities in the County. PEC is dedicated to promoting healthy communities and the preservation of Madison’s rural character, environment and historic resources. 

Madison Land Use Update – March 27, 2020

Madison County declared a local state of emergency on March 13. According to the Madison Department of Planning and Zoning, the March 26 Budget Work Session was conducted via teleconference. The upcoming Planning Commission meeting on April 1 is tentatively scheduled to continue as planned. The status of subsequent county meetings will be determined after the April 1 Planning Commission meeting.

On the Ground – Spring 2020

Updates from around the PEC region, organized by county. Albemarle: Morven East and City Comp Plan. Clarke: Planning & Water Quality. Culpeper: Clevengers Corner, History and the Hazel River. Fauquier: Sanctuary at Barrel Oak & Community Planning Initiatives. Greene: Streetscaping and Community Mobility. Loudoun: Land Use Planning. Madison: Criglersville School & Zoning Ordinance Changes. Orange: New County Administrator, Gordonsville Park. Rappahannock: “Beaver Believers” make a splash at local event.

A Fish Runs Through It

As the fog broke on a brisk November morning in Madison County, more than three dozen people arrived at the Whiteoak Canyon trailhead ready to celebrate the new, 35-foot, open-span bridge over Cedar Run. They marveled at the sounds of water bubbling over the rocky streambed from the north side of the bridge to the south. Many walked upright beneath the sturdy, brown, steel-framed structure. And all excitedly searched the deep pools for our guests of honor—the native brook trout, a species of concern on Virginia’s Wildlife Action Plan.

Whiteoak Canyon Trailhead

SYRIA, VA: The new 35-foot span bridge across Cedar Run offers hikers and nature-loving community members improved access to the popular Whiteoak Canyon trailhead and opening up three miles of stream habitat to native fish for the first time in decades. The effort is a public-private partnership between Shenandoah National Park, The Piedmont Environmental Council, Trout Unlimited, and the local landowners, the Graves family.

“Rural Resort” Ordinance Amendment Proposed in Madison County

“Rural Resort” Ordinance Amendment Proposed in Madison County

This coming Wednesday, April 3rd at 7pm, the Madison County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will hold a joint public hearing to consider a change to its zoning ordinance. If adopted, the change would allow “rural resorts” as a special use in agriculturally zoned areas. Update: the proposal was tabled at the April 3 meeting and there is time to weigh in prior to May 1, 2019.

On the Ground — Spring 2019

On the Ground — Spring 2019

Updates from around the PEC region, organized by county. Albemarle: Housing and Connectivity. Clarke: Water Quality and Conservation Luncheon. Culpeper: White Farm Conserved and PDR Program. Fauquier: Transportation Fixes and New Cell Tower Regulations. Greene: Putting Stanardsville on the Map. Loudoun: Trails, Comprehensive Plan, Roundabout Meadows and Easement Program. Madison: Planning Commission Tackles Utility-Scale Solar. Orange: Healthy Watershed Pilot Program. Rappahannock: Rappahannock County Park: Attacking Invasives and Planting Natives

On the Ground — Winter 2018

On the Ground — Winter 2018

Updates from the around the PEC region, organized by county. Albemarle: Strengthening growth management in Albemarle. Clarke: Promoting and celebrating Conservation. Culpeper: A Finger on the Scale for Solar. Fauquier: Updated Plans, Remington Walks and Vint Hill’s Future. Greene: Greene at a crossroads. Loudoun: Choosing our future. Madison: Trout Stream Restoration Continues. Orange: Two Farms Conserved along the Rapidan River. Rappahannock: Community-wide Conservation Success!.