Loudoun County

PEC stands with citizens to build excellent communities, relieve taxes and traffic, and protect open space in Loudoun. We work to maintain a balance between the towns, the suburbs and the country so residents can enjoy each of them.

Re-aligning Land and Nature at the Holden Farm in Loudoun County

Re-aligning Land and Nature at the Holden Farm in Loudoun County

In 2021, the Holdens partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council to permanently conserve their rolling 35-acre farm just south of the historic Quaker village of Lincoln.

Conservation in 2021 bring regional conserved land totals to 25 percent

Conservation in 2021 bring regional conserved land totals to 25 percent

In 2021, private landowners partnered with various land trusts and conservation agencies to permanently protect an additional 6,474 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock counties.

Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future

We have accomplished a lot together over the 50 years of PEC’s history. With 2022 on the horizon, we have begun work on an updated strategic plan to guide our efforts in the coming years. What will the Piedmont look like in 2030, 2050 and beyond?

A Few Highlights From 2021

A Few Highlights From 2021

Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and a global economic slowdown, 2021 proved to be a year of new opportunity here at The Piedmont Environmental Council.

Your Support is Doubled for Giving Tuesday

Your Support is Doubled for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global movement dedicated to giving back to organizations and causes you care about. Today on November 30, your donation will go twice as far thanks to the generosity of a longtime supporter who is offering a dollar-for-dollar match on any gifts we receive up to a total of $25,000! We hope you consider making a special one-time gift, becoming a new PEC member, or renewing your existing membership.

Loudoun’s Environmental Commission Needs Your Feedback

Loudoun’s Environmental Commission Needs Your Feedback

As Loudoun County grows, the board of supervisors has recognized the need for improving environmental sustainability, health and resilience. Protecting natural resources, preserving energy and pivoting to renewable alternatives are essential to those goals.

To that end, this year the board empaneled a new environmental commission, which began meeting in late July 2021.