Growth, Development & Traffic

Citizen input in planning for Loudoun’s future is critical — particularly when some are pushing for more residential development at a faster pace than the county and general public have planned for.

Our Letter to Loudoun County re: Smart Growth Approach

Our Letter to Loudoun County re: Smart Growth Approach

Loudoun has the opportunity to provide clear and coherent direction on future investment. In a spring 2017 letter to Chairman Randall and the Board of Supervisors, we joined with partners in recommending: 1) The County’s first priority should be to foster mixed-use, higher density transit-oriented development (TOD) and the focus for TOD should be the Ashburn Station. And 2) The proposed PD-TC zoning change should be put on hold until the Comprehensive Plan process has determined community priorities for the level and location of growth.

What is needed to make Loudoun an even better community in the future?

What is needed to make Loudoun an even better community in the future?

The answers to this question and two follow-up questions posed during the Envision Loudoun “Listening and Learning” round of public input have been tallied and categorized by theme. More than 1,400 people provided over 5,000 comments through 6 live meetings, online participation and phone input. 8 primary themes and many other sub-themes have emerged.