In recent years, we’ve expanded our collaborative work with a focus on shining a light on undertold stories of people and communities of color.
Culpeper County
PEC’s Culpeper County office supports our land use and land conservation activities in the County. PEC is dedicated to promoting healthy communities and the preservation of Culpeper’s rural character, environment and historic resources.

Stevensburg residents shape their future
With the help of local community leaders and organizations, PEC informed the residents of Stevensburg and Brandy Station about the potential impacts of the AttoTek Data Center campus.

New local food guides printed and mailed region-wide
From veggies and fruit, to meat and dairy, to beer, wine and more, you’ll find your favorite local food in our recently released 2023-2024 guides for the Northern Piedmont, Loudoun County and Charlottesville Area.

Northern Piedmont Buy Fresh Buy Local guide arriving in mailboxes now
With the spring growing season upon the Virginia Piedmont, The Piedmont Environmental Council is pleased to announce the release of its 2023-2024 Buy Fresh Buy Local Northern Piedmont guide, offering a one-stop source connecting consumers to fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat and more, by way of local farmers and farmers markets.

Questions Swirl Around Data Centers – How Many, Where and at What Cost?
Although DEQ’s proposed variance for data center diesel generator has been pulled, the underlying issue remains: Is this continued boom in data center development sustainable?

2022 Land Conservation Totals
Last year, landowners partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) and other land trusts and conservation agencies to permanently protect 6,651 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Orange and Rappahannock counties.

On the Ground Updates – March 2023
A series of short updates from around the PEC region – Albemarle & Charlottesville, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock.

Spring 2023 Tree Planting Opportunities
We are so excited for our four volunteer tree plantings this spring in Clarke, Culpeper Orange and Rappahannock counties during March and April.

Nine-county land conservation totals 6,651 acres in 2022
Last year, landowners partnered with The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) and other land trusts and conservation agencies to permanently protect 6,651 acres of land in Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Orange and Rappahannock counties.

2023 General Assembly Crossover Update
This Tuesday marked the halfway point of Virginia’s 2023 General Assembly Session, a date known as ‘crossover.’ The House and Senate have each finished voting on the bills their members put forward, and now move on to consider legislation passed by the opposite body.