Land Conservation

PEC has helped landowners permanently protect over 430,000 acres of rural or natural land. Conservation Easements help ensure that the Virginia Piedmont is always characterized by its open spaces, healthy environment, and cultural resources.

Advocating for Strong Land Conservation Policies

Advocating for Strong Land Conservation Policies

Successful land conservation requires action at all levels to protect the Commonwealth’s diverse landscapes. Land conservation is critical in achieving measurable goals on protecting water quality, water supply, climate resiliency, and the Chesapeake Bay. State agencies, local communities, and private individuals need the right tools to protect working farms and forests, scenic landscapes, natural areas, wildlife habitat and game lands, historic resources, and parks and recreational areas for Virginia’s present and future generations. Virginia currently has a variety of programs and approaches that can deliver lasting results across the Commonwealth.

More About Roundabout Meadows

More About Roundabout Meadows

Over a 20 year period, The Piedmont Environmental Council has played a leadership role in preserving the historic and scenic landscape at Gilberts Corner. This Rte. 15 & 50 corridor serves as the symbolic gateway to the Piedmont; essentially a transition point between suburban and rural Loudoun County. PEC has defined the vision, forged the partnerships, created the policy framework and actively engaged in a series of conservation transactions covering some 326 acres that is designed to preserve the rural character of Gilberts Corner.

Trail Blazing

Trail Blazing

Pedestrian and bicycle trail systems can improve our health, increase property value, provide sustainable transportation choices and even strengthen a community’s economy — especially in an urban area.

Something not everyone may know about PEC is that we’ve been working to increase public access to parks, historic sites and a number of different trail networks. This type of work helps provide more options for people in the region to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and connect with the land. Trails in urban settings can also provide a more sustainable and healthy way of traveling in and around neighborhoods. These benefits are why we have raised funds for the extension of the Warrenton Branch Greenway in Fauquier County and partnered with James Madison’s Montpelier and Grelen Market to facilitate the creation of the Montpelier-Grelen trail, to name a few.

Managing Land in the Piedmont for the Benefit of Birds & Other Wildlife

Managing Land in the Piedmont for the Benefit of Birds & Other Wildlife

Interested in managing your property or backyard for wildlife, but not sure where to start? Our guide, Managing Land in the Piedmont of Virginia for the Benefit of Birds and Other Wildlife, introduces landowners to land management options that should be considered for a variety of habitat types.

Renewed Accreditation

We are happy to announce our accreditation as a land trust was renewed in August 2016 — a mark of distinction in land conservation. Initially accredited in 2011, the renewal by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission signifies its continued confidence that PEC’s lands will be protected forever.