Time is running out on 2022 as regular schedules continue to be more difficult as the calendar comes closer and closer to the last minute of December 31. What kind of a week will this one be? This is always a good question and let’s explore it together.
Sean Tubbs
Week Ahead for November 21, 2022: Developer seeks rezoning to add more units at Dickerson Overlook in Hollymead; PC to review Charlottesville capital program
There are no meetings in Fluvanna, Greene, or Nelson, but Albemarle, Charlottesville, and Louisa make the most of a short work week.
Week Ahead for November 14, 2022: Fluvanna wants to know the cost of providing government services; Albemarle to learn of climate risks
We’re in the last stretch of 2022, a year that has been filled with lots of action at local government meetings. We are definitely moving closer to holiday mode with meetings shifting to avoid Thanksgiving. For instance, the Rivanna authorities meet this week instead of the fourth of the month.
Week Ahead for November 7, 2022: Greene Supervisors to consider capital projects; Zion Crossroads developer seeks more units; Major industrial zoning in Fluvanna
This time next year, I hope to be very busy preparing for Election Night coverage when local and state races will dominate the cycle. My career has always been in Virginia, where there’s an election every year. In the weeks to come, there could very well be the first announcements of who will be running. I will be here to help tell those stories.
Week Ahead for October 31, 2022: Southwood rezoning back before Albemarle Supervisors; Fluvanna property values up 10.6 percent in reassessment
It is strange to start a week off with the last day of the month, but that’s where we find ourselves at the end of this very spooky month. We’re now in the holiday season, with Diwali earlier this month and Halloween on Monday. This time of year affects the gravity of government meetings quite a bit.
Week Ahead for October 24, 2022: Several housing projects in Albemarle under consideration this week; Nelson County Comprehensive Plan subject of joint meeting
This was a week I had thought would be a light one. I was wrong. Whereas last week contained a lot of bureaucratic and technical items, this one goes back to land use items.
Week of October 17, 2022: Greene County PC to review land use policies; Charlottesville Council to provide budget direction
We’re now well into autumn, and our local governments continue to be active in the last few weeks before the holiday season begins to really affect the schedule. This is a strange week with a lot of relatively technical meetings.
Week Ahead for October 10, 2022: Car wash on Fifth Street in Charlottesville; Rezoning requested for Lake Anna Resort in Louisa; Albemarle PC to review 195-foot cell tower at Walnut Creek Park
Monday is a holiday, so the week starts with Tuesday. As with any week without a working Monday, that causes a very busy Tuesday. There’s a lot happening this week and here are some highlights of a week where most of the action is outside Charlottesville.
Week Ahead for October 3, 2022: Charlottesville City Council to consider collective bargaining ordinance; Albemarle Supervisors to get economic outlook; Fluvanna prepares for new Circuit Court judge
We are now in the fourth quarter of the year as measured by the calendar, or the second quarter as measured by Virginia’s fiscal year. On any given day, there are a lot of activities being conducted by public bodies and local governments. This newsletter aims to provide a weekly snapshot of what is happening, and as always, there is a lot happening.
Week Ahead for September 26, 2022: Albemarle Planning Commission to review equity framework for growth management policy; Charlottesville City Council to meet with PC on zoning rewrite next steps
Somehow this week has a lot going on, as listed below. This week I’m going to keep the narrative short because I want to get this posted quickly as I’m a bit behind my schedule.