Get started by filling out our online form to get a free assessment to determine if your home is a good candidate for solar. There is absolutely no commitment until, and if, you sign a contract with an installer.
Brook Trout: Gems of the Piedmont Webinar + Resources
On April 29, 2021, the National Sporting Library & Museum held a public webinar with staff from PEC about the the work being done to restore habitat for the brook trout. Check out the recording below, as well as a list of helpful resources. Check out more of NSLM’s events on their website at
Webinar: Quarterly Keynote Feat. DC Central Kitchen CEO Mike Curtin
In March 2021, PEC hosted its first ever Quarterly Keynote with Mike Curtin from DC Central Kitchen.
What does membership mean to you?
For us, membership is about forging long-lasting partnerships with people who care deeply about their communities.
Albemarle Stream Health Initiative
The goal of the Stream Health Initiative is to develop recommended strategies for improving stream health in Albemarle County using a collaborative and inclusive process.”
A Few Highlights from 2020
Our work is about showing up, speaking out, and empowering communities to show up and speak out.
Fauquier Habitat goes native around Haiti house
Fauquier Habitat for Humanity has gone “green” with construction and landscaping of its 55th home. Last week, 15 volunteers and staff members transformed the Warrenton home’s small yard into vibrant, low-maintenance landscape with 217 native plants.
On the Ground Updates – September 2020
Read on for a series of short updates from each of PEC’s nine counties.
Virtual House Party and Auction
PEC’s Virtual House Party & Auction is closed for bidding, but the paddle raise is open through September 30.
Scenic Rivers in the Piedmont – A StoryMap
In 2020, the state of Virginia commemorates 50 years of dedication and commitment to the conservation of Virginia’s water resources through the Virginia Scenic Rivers Program. In honor of that anniversary, PEC Fellowship program participants, Meredith Hickman and David Malcolm, created a StoryMap that celebrates the ten designated scenic rivers in The Piedmont Environmental Council’s region.