Agriculture is Virginia’s largest industry by many metrics. It also represents the largest source of nutrient and sediment pollution reaching Virginia’s local streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. Fortunately, addressing these pollution loads offers an opportunity to improve the Commonwealth’s natural resources while also enhancing working farms and forests.
Maggi Blomstrom
Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop Resources 2023
If you were unable to attend our recent Sources of Conservation Funding Workshop and Social at Powers Farm & Brewery in Midland, VA, PEC and our fantastic conservation partners are here to help you explore your conservation options.
A Walk Along Cedar Run
Earlier this month, friends new and old joined us for the 20th Annual Bluebell Walk: Benefits of Beavers, Birds & Battling Invasives for Native Biodiversity along the banks of Cedar Run in Catlett, VA.
A Neighborhood Conservation Effort along South River
In Greene County, a community-wide effort to protect land along the South River has been underway for nearly two decades. In 2022, a critical 140-acre multi-generational cattle farm was added to the tapestry of this corridor with a conservation easement generously donated to PEC by Mr. Laymon Breeden, who wanted to protect the farm in part to honor his father.
April Tree Planting Opportunities
For the month of April, we have three new and fast-approaching volunteer opportunities to help us plant trees.
750+ Trees Planted at Sky Meadows State Park
In October, volunteers helped plant 3.5 acres of trees to protect the Goose Creek Watershed.