Beth Plentovich and Howie Kelly know the true importance of relentless incrementalism for achieving exponential results.
Laura O'Brien
Conservation Stories Across the Region: Anne & Dru Crawley, Filling in the Missing Piece
Walking along the gravel driveway of Anne and Dru Crawley’s property, five miles from the village of Amissville, I recognized immediately the significance of this 63-acre stretch of land.
Connecting Wildlife Habitats
Wildlife must be able to move through our landscapes to acquire resources, find genetically diverse mates, and adapt to a changing climate. Roads, development, and other infrastructure can impede wildlife movement and create dangerous scenarios on our roadways for both wildlife and people.
The Sperryville Trail Network: Uniting a Community and Creating a Sense of Place
You may have driven through Sperryville on your way to the Thornton Gap entrance to Shenandoah National Park. But this historic village is much more than just a place to pass through, and I found the Sperryville Trail Network to be the perfect tour guide
Sperryville Trail Network
With funding provided by PEC’s Krebser Fund for Rappahannock County Conservation, the Sperryville Community Alliance has been able to complete a Trail Study and Invasive Species Management Plan.