Looking out from the Moorman’s River Overlook in Shenandoah National Park, you’re treated to a breathtaking sweep of the forested, rolling foothills of the Piedmont. What’s not immediately apparent from this viewpoint is the fact that the majority of the land you see is privately owned.
Kim Biasiolli

Make Conservation an AC44 Priority
PEC is advocating that, as part of the AC44 Comprehensive Plan update, Albemarle County should strengthen its land conservation programs.

ACE Landowner Stories
Landowners share how the Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) program impacted them.

Strengthening Albemarle County’s Land Conservation Programs: AC44 Comprehensive Plan
As part of the AC44 Comprehensive Plan update, the County has the opportunity to increase support for and strengthen its land conservation programs, including reinstating its purchase of development rights (PDR) program.